I recently had reason to run file(1) (file-5.03 on FreeBSD 8-stable)
on a large number of files and felt the performance wasn't up to par.
When I investigated further, I found that about 95% of the runtime
related to the two regex's to recognize REXX files:

# OS/2 batch files are REXX. the second regex is a bit generic, oh well
# the matched commands seem to be common in REXX and uncommon elsewhere
100     regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}call[\ \t]{1,10}rxfunc OS/2 REXX batch file text
100     regex/c =^[\ \t]{0,10}say\ ['"]      OS/2 REXX batch file text

Since REXX files are not present in my environment, I can avoid the
issue by just commenting out the offending lines.  Someone with more
expertise in magic(5) might be able to suggest a better fix.

Peter Jeremy

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