Re: New FreeBSD packaging system

2007-05-15 Thread Bill Vermillion
Throwing caution to the wind and speaking without thinking about
what was being said on Tue, May 15, 2007 at 12:00 ,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] blurted this:

[much text deleted as I only am going to comment on one part - wjv]

 Message: 6
 Date: Mon, 14 May 2007 23:34:52 -0700
 From: Bert JW Regeer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: New FreeBSD package system (a.k.a. Daemon Package System
 To: Garrett Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 On May 14, 2007, at 10:03 PM, Garrett Cooper wrote:
  Bert JW Regeer wrote:
  On May 12, 2007, at 5:14 AM, Philippe Laquet wrote:
  Stanislav Sedov a ?crit :
  On Fri, 11 May 2007 02:10:05 +0200
  Ivan Voras [EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioned:

  - I think it's time to give up on using BDB+directory tree
  full of text files for storing the installed packages
  database, and I propose all of this be replaced by a
  single SQLite database. SQLite is public domain (can be
  slurped into base system), embeddable, stores all data in
  a single file, lightweight, fast, and can be used to do
  fancy things such as reporting.


  I am able to understand many of the gripes with using a databases,  
  and have to import yet another code base into the FreeBSD base,  
  however as one of the young ones, and knowing sed/awk/grep and  
  SQL, I prefer SQL over having to process hundreds of text files  
  using text processing tools. It saddens me each time I run one of  
  the pkg_* tools that needs to parse the flat file structure since  
  it takes so long. I have friends running Ubuntu and their apt-get  
  returns results much faster.

  True. I was thinking of backup, and recreation from scratch,  
  considering that the database wouldn't be more than a few megs. In  
  place replacement just seems like a hairy situation sometimes..


  The experience I got from running SVN with BDB as the back-end  
  database to store my data, I say no thanks. In that case I would  
  much rather stick with the flat text files than go with a database.

  Well, a few comments:

  -Text files are bloated. Although many people are for XML, it
  takes much longer to parse than binary databases.

 /var/db/pkg/ are all plain flat text files. I am not a supporter of  
 XML at all.

  -Custom text files require custom format capable parsers, no
  matter what the format, and the less coverage a parser has,
  the more probable the likelihood of bugs IMO.

 We already have these in the pkg_* functions, so i'd hope they are  
 fairly solid!


 I am not opposed to text files, other than that they can be slow. I  
 am against BDB because over the years, in my experience they have  
 shown to be extremely unreliable and easily corrupted. If we are  
 going to be making changes to the way the ports/packages store the  
 information about what exists, it should be done in such a way that  
 it is scalable and at the same time extensible (is this a word?).

So why not take the same approach that is used in the password
and shadow files.  That way you have a plain text editable file
which then builds the pwd.db and spwd.db files that are used by the

Or am I missing something there.

 Bert JW Regeer


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: A handy utility (at least for me)

2006-08-29 Thread Bill Vermillion
On Tue, Aug 29, 2006 at 12:00 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
saw Error reading FAT table? Try SKINNY table? And promptly

 Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 18:18:58 +0200 (CEST)
 From: Oliver Fromme [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: A handy utility (at least for me)

 Rick C. Petty wrote:

   Mario Lobo wrote:

My /usr/ports directory was occuping 24 gigs, of which 20
was just from the 'work' directories !

 You should type make clean more often.  ;-)

And to ensure that 'make clean' in the /usr/ports directory runs
much faster, be sure to add   NOCLEANDEPENDS=YES in your

After you run that on the entire tree besure to comment it out so
that when you run   make clean   inside a port you clean all the
dependancies too.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: [PATCH] Fancy rc startup style RFC

2006-04-20 Thread Bill Vermillion
While stranded on the shoulder of the Information
Superhiway and trying to flag down some passing bytes
[EMAIL PROTECTED] said Bits don't fail me now,
and continued with:

 Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 13:03:57 -0400
 From: Coleman Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fancy rc startup style RFC

 On 4/19/06, Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Coleman Kane [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

   On 4/19/06, Mike Meyer
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:

   How about we all discuss good choices for default colors?

  Depends on the goal: do you want the default to work for
  everyone, or do you want the default to be prettier and/or
  better for most people but absolutely suck for a few?

 I was thinking perhaps of having a predefined set of templates
 (with the option and documentation to add your own). Perhaps
 implement one that creates the traffic-light style that seems
 to make intuitive sense to many americans (Bold Red: error, Bold
 Green: Success, Bold Yellow: warning/notice), and also have
 another perdefined one that uses a different color set.

Traffic-light style is also designed to be useable by completely
color-blind people - which is rare.  By that if you notice traffic
lights are always in the same order, green, yellow, red so that all
you have to do is be able to see the luminance value in the
abscence of any chroma information..

That's the problem with web-sites which depend on chroma value, and
often have colors which are easily discernable by normally sighted
people, but the luminance is very close which can make things
almost invisible.

I have a noticed a traffic-sign problem which another person also
wrote to the local newspaper - and the traffic division is looking
to change the signs.

In Florida bright days are indeed very bright.  There are signs
that use lights to spell out the message with what someone feels
the most important part in 'red'. The signs have a black

On a bright day I see  NO TURN ON   or TO PEDS   as 
the word RED in the first message is invisible to me, and 
the YIELD in the second has the same effect.

There is also a sign that I came up to that used the universal
sign for turn.  I started to turn and my wife had me stop because
the circle with bar through it was in RED and I could not see it.

On overcast days or at night these signs are easily viewable.

For those of you who remember the late 1980s when IBM came out with
OS/2 and MS came out with a new Windows, the complaints were the
default screens on OS/2 were drab while the Windows had bright
colors.  IBM is very good at designing things for people with
disabilites and the OS/2 default screen was designed to be readable
by someone with total color-blindness - which as I said is rare.

The way to check if a web-site is readable by all it to use
a monochrome monitor [ exceedingly hard to find nowdays ], and 
at least some government sites are now required to be that way.

Color can be a great way to emphasize items IF the chroma
and luminance values are carefully chosen.  If not you can take
away a lot of functionality.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: [PATCH] Fancy rc startup style RFC

2006-04-19 Thread Bill Vermillion
Somewhere around Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 04:07 , the world stopped
and listened as [EMAIL PROTECTED] graced us with
this profound tidbit of wisdom that would fulfill the enjoyment of
future generations:

 Message: 20
 Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 15:07:31 -0700
 From: Darren Pilgrim [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Eric Anderson wrote:

   If I could figure out how to make sh do colors, I'd do it. :)

 Please do not use colors in rc. Escape-sequenced colors make
 unacceptable assumptions about the user and syslogd strips
 escape sequences anyway, so it would be of no use to logged
 consoles. Serial consoles introduce other problems with buggy
 escape handling in third-party terminal programs. A good text
 layout and descriptive status messages do far more for clarity
 and readability than any use of color ever can.

Let me add to that.  About 10% of the male population has some
color vision problem.  Mine is a bit more than others.   Everytime
I get called to work on a Linux system, I have to go in and disable
the colors as the reds and other colors become very hard to see
against a dark background.   The problem is the luminance value of
colors such a red is quite low compared to others.  That's one of
the reasons why fire-trucks in this area are lime-green, as red
trucks disappear into the blackness at night.

If you add color make sure it is a user selectable option
and not turned on by default.   IMO everything you need to admin a
system needs to be able to run on something as lowly as a pure
serial terminal as the above poster notes.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Re: [PATCH] Fancy rc startup style RFC

2006-04-19 Thread Bill Vermillion
Ang utong ko ay sasabog sa sarap! exclaimed Sergey Babkin
while reading this message on Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 12:18  
and then responded with:

 From: Bill Vermillion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 has some
 color vision problem.  Mine is a bit more than others.   Everytime
 I get called to work on a Linux system, I have to go in and disable
 the colors as the reds and other colors become very hard to see
 against a dark background.   The problem is the luminance value of
 colors such a red is quite low compared to others. 

 The problem with Linux colors is that they have been
 designed to be used on the white background which is
 the xterm's default (and which I hate as it's tough
 on my eyes). Since I usually use the black background, 
 I disable them too.

 When I have time and patience to mess around, I set the
 LS_COLORS and such variables to the complementary
 bitmasks of what they've been, and that fixes the
 problem with contrast on the black background.

Well I run in 80x24 text mode almost all the time, and when I need
some graphics/web stuff I hit the KVM and move to an XP machine.

I use vidcontrol to set my screen

/home/bv/.profile:vidcontrol green black
/home/bv/.profile:vidcontrol -b blue
/home/bv/.profile:vidcontrol -c blink

That gives me green on black, with a blue border defining the edge
of the screen.  With my vision it works very well.

I got to something with white on black and I find it too bright
to use, except on dying monitors :-)  [I've had some clients
with really bad server monitors - typically SCO.  On those
I'd set the white to bright white to make them readable]

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Re: [PATCH] Fancy rc startup style RFC

2006-04-19 Thread Bill Vermillion
They all laughed on Wed, Apr 19, 2006 at 13:32  when Mike Meyer said:
  From: Bill Vermillion [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  has some
  color vision problem.  Mine is a bit more than others.   Everytime
  I get called to work on a Linux system, I have to go in and disable
  the colors as the reds and other colors become very hard to see
  against a dark background.   The problem is the luminance value of
  colors such a red is quite low compared to others. 
  The problem with Linux colors is that they have been
  designed to be used on the white background which is
  the xterm's default (and which I hate as it's tough
  on my eyes). Since I usually use the black background, 
  I disable them too.
 So where do linux's blasted ls colors come from? It prints some file
 type as green. Green on white is simply bad news, whether or not you
 have vision problems. I always have to go disable them (and some linux
 distros make them *hard* to disable).

I just checked in on one Linux machine I admin - SuSE 9.2 - and the
colors are set with the variable LS_OPTIONS.   

I've set LS_OPTIONS to '-N --color=none -T 0'

And looking at the .bashrc there is also a test for the binary
dircolors, and then looks for user files .dir_colors

I also notice that as shipped the .bashrc has a comment line
that says   If LS_COLROS is set but empty the terminal has no

It is spelled COLROS not COLORS - but that's just cosmetic and

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Filesystem monitoring question

2005-11-18 Thread Bill Vermillion
On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 12:00 ,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] showing utter disregard for
spell-checkers gave us this:

 Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2005 15:07:48 +
 From: Cornelis Swanepoel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Filesystem monitoring question

 I have a FreeBSD 6.0 box with a partition that is accessible to
 a number of clients via SMB and NFS.

 I would like to monitor activity on this partition so that every
 time a write to it is completed, my C program is run (which
 stats the file and stores some info about it in a database
 amongst other things)

 My question is: What do I need to learn in order to construct a
 trigger for my code?

 If anyone can point me in the right direction I would greatly
 appreciate it.

What is that you need that fam won't do. See  man 1m fam.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: system password's file --failed

2005-10-18 Thread Bill Vermillion
Throwing caution to the wind and speaking without thinking about
what was being said on Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 12:00 ,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] blurted this:

 Send freebsd-hackers mailing list submissions to

 Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 12:17:54 - (UTC)
 Subject: Re: system password's file --failed

 Hi all,
 I failed this steps. FreeBSD cannot recognized my username.
 I will try it again. Have anybody another solution ??
 Thanks before.

If you used those steps no wonder it failed.  shadow is NOT at all
like master.passwd.


  I would suggest you to try the below and make sure this

  1 ) Install a new freebsd server
  2 ) create a user on your linux machine say with
  freebsd and some
  3 ) now copy the data in your /etc/passwd file of linux
  machine to freebsd

And the /etc/passwd in Linux and System V [or all the old Unix
systems] is not the same format as in BSD.

  4 ) Also copy the /etc/shadow file to freebsd server and
  renmae it as

I'm surprised you could even log in with that.

  5 ) Also copy /etc/groups

Groups are used differently by default in BSD.  Don't blindly apply
Linux knowledge to BSD

  6 ) Now try to login to freebsd machine with the new
  created on the
  linux machine.

  Note : Please create a copy of the original file on
  freebsd machine before
  you change the real file

And DO NOT LOG OUT - as you might not be able to log in again.

Look at the file formats of BSD and Linux.  You'll note extra

If you have separate passwd and shadow on Linux, you need to 
manipulate those before putting in BSD.

You can simply cut and paste [using Unix cut/paste not a gui thing]
to add the fields and put the encrypted portion of shadow where it
belongs.  And put that in master.passwd and USE VIPW - which will
check the file.  If master.passwd is correct when you exit vipw
it will build /etc/passwd.

I don't recall the script the other person posted, but the
directions above are really wrong.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: systems password's file

2005-10-15 Thread Bill Vermillion
 From: Matthew D. Fuller [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Re: system password's file

 On Fri, Oct 14, 2005 at 06:54:26AM -0500 I heard the voice of
 Sergey Babkin, and lo! it spake thus:

  I don't know if it's fixed now or not.

 I just converted a Mandrake box a month or so ago, which used MD5
 hashes.  Worked flawlessly.

  Hm, considering the we'd like people to migrate from Linux to
  FreeBSD, having such a conversion script/program (especially if
  someone writes it for their own use anyway) in the base system would
  make a lot of sense.

 It's not that hard.  Somebody mentioned an awk script.  I slapped it
 together in perl in about 5 minutes.  I'll bet it's in /tmp

I've done this a couple of time - but both times I just did it
manually - with the tools in the OS - as this was the quickest.

One was from an SGI IRIX, the other was from SunOS.  The latter
had a really slow sendmail system on a very old box.

The move to a FreeBSD was not planned that far in advance 
and not planned for - but the Sun had gotten so slow they moved to
getting their mail directly from their ISP.

It was about a 10 minute job [max] using  cut(1) and paste(1).
Since I'd started with Unix before pool and on limited systems,
those tools came to mind naturally.

Both the SGI and SunOS conversions worked flawlessly.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Software suspend on FreeBSD

2005-09-09 Thread Bill Vermillion
Earlier in the linear time track, on approximately Fri, Sep 09,
2005 at 23:01 , [EMAIL PROTECTED] divulged this
public information:

 From: Bruno Ducrot [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Software suspend on FBSD.
 To: Pranav Peshwe [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 07:52:46PM +0530, Pranav Peshwe wrote:
Does FreeBSD have 'software suspend' like linux ? or 
  maybe something similar...


Yes.  It depends upon which shell you are using.  For shells
that support it you just suspend it with control-Z.

A restart is issued with 'fg' - foreground.

Unless of course the OP means something entirely different.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Parking disk drive heads

2005-08-19 Thread Bill Vermillion
Bits dont fail me now! was what
[EMAIL PROTECTED] muttered as he hastily typed
this on Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 12:00 :

1. Re: Parking disk drive heads (Glenn Dawson)

 Message: 1
 Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 12:47:32 -0700
 From: Glenn Dawson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Parking disk drive heads

 At 11:32 PM 8/16/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 which is the correct way to park the hd head?

 Seagate drives park the heads automatically when they are turned
 off. As far as I know, this applies to other manufacturer's
 drives as well.

To which he replied:

 Message: 2
 Date: Thu, 18 Aug 2005 08:14:47 +0200
 Subject: Re: Parking disk drive heads

 I don't want to park them on turn off. I want to park them
 before a possible strong shock which could cause damage and
 unpark them afterwards.

The setups for parking heads pretty much went away when the move
from MFM drive to ATA technology.

And if your are worried about a shock that could damage the drive,
you will probably lose your computer at the same time.

Check the technical specs on current drives.  You will see that
most will handled well over 100G shocks when not running, and
usually far over 20G in operational mode.  Considering that
20G to the human body usually means death you aren't going to have
to worry about losing drives to operating bumps unless you have a
habit of dropping them in parachutes from airplanes. :-)

I have ruined drives with a bad bump in the past - but those
were MFM drives - and that happened in the mid-to-late 1980s.

The first HDs I saw could withstand less than 1G in shipping so
the 5.25 Shugart ST-505 drives - $25090 for 5MB [that is MegaByte]
were shipped in foam padded boxes a bit larger than the drive, and
these boxes were suspended by springs from the corners of a much
larger shipping box - in the 18x18 size category.

IOW - unless you are running some early ATA drives, shocks when
running are something you don't have to really worry about, unless
you plan to shove the entire computer off the desk when it is
running with the power on.


[The orignal post was in of freebsd-hackers Digest, Vol 126, Issue 5]

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: How to reset root passwd FreeBSd4.7

2005-07-15 Thread Bill Vermillion
While normally not able to pour water out of a boot with
instructions on the heel, on Fri, Jul 15, 2005 at 12:00  
our dear friend [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered this load of codswallop:

 Message: 3
 Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2005 09:55:16 -0400 (EDT)
 From: John Von Essen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: How to reset root passwd FreeBSdD4.7

 Boot with 1st CD, goto the Fixit Shell (will need 2nd CD). From
 there you have to manually mount the / filesystem and edit
 passwd (just clear out the passwd, root::). However, do an fsck
 on the device first (you may have to reboot afterwards) since if
 you have any fragmentation following an unclean shutdown, you
 will not be able to mount the device.

Just a short comment.  'Fragmentation' has nothing to do with this.
An bad shutdown fails to sync the data and thus requiring and
fsck to ensure the filesystem is in an stable state.

The 'fragments' you see referenced in the fsck only reference the
number of files that are stored in fragments - eg not occupying
a full block allocation.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: immenent disk failure ?

2005-04-15 Thread Bill Vermillion
On or about Fri, Apr 15, 2005 at 12:01 , while attempting a 
Zarathustra emulation [EMAIL PROTECTED] thus spake:

 Message: 4
 Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2005 10:58:02 -0500 (CDT)
 Subject: imminent disk failure ?


 I have a server running 4.X for almost two years now, without
 problems - rock solid as it should be - yesterday the server
 became unresponsive, now that I have access again, and while
 checking the logs, I found this as the last message before the

 /kernel: ad0: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting

 The next message is the system getting back on, 1hour later.

 I have not changed anything kernel-related on this system for
 a long time (jul 2004), just apply the occasional kernel patch
 and rebuild/reboot the system. I never encountered this problem
 before. Could this message mean this disk is giving its last
 breaths ?

It might help if we knew a bit more about the system such
a drive make and model - you can see that in dmesg.  That may
point out some device that is known to be problematic.

The last time I got timeout errors like that was in the 3.x era
with a SCSI controller.   Last IDE problem I had was a bad read
that force the system into PIO mode with over 75% performance
decrease.   The only way around that one that I was aware of was a


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Design and Implemenations of FreeBSD

2005-03-24 Thread Bill Vermillion
On or about Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 12:00 , while attempting a 
Zarathustra emulation [EMAIL PROTECTED] thus spake:

 Message: 3
 Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 02:15:07 +
 From: klowd9 - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Kernel documentation and specification

 Reading the CVS logs for the relevant files should give you
 ideas about who might be able to answer your questions.
 However, you shouldn't expect that people have time to answer
 lots of questions. Of course, it helps if your interest is in
 the context of contributing something back to the project.

 Kirk's book, ``The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD
 Operating System'' probably contains the answers to basic
 questions about scheduling and IPC.

 I considered purchasing that book, which is very very good
 imo, but a bit overpriced at $60.. Any other resources about
 kernel development, and to whom may i speak with to help me get

Considering it's coming from a publisher which specializes in
technical books and many of theirs are used in college courses
it's a typical price.

However - with one or two rare exceptions - I've bought almost 
all my tech books dealing with computers from Bookpool.

They currently have McKusick's book in stock at $33.95.  The other
BSD books are also priced similarly.

I have no relationship with Bookpool other than being a very
satisfied customer and always go there first for any tech book.

I even managed to get the O'Reilly 4.4BSD books from them - the set
of five - for about $100 - when they were still in print.

Highly recommended.  This month they are having an 'Open Source'
sale with 43% discounts - over 700 books.

I hate to think how much I've spent on computer books in the past
20 years or so - but it's in the thousands.  Sort of a college
educations at home.   I still have my first Unix books - the Bell
Labs Unix Programmers Manuals - that got me hooked on Unix.

Total pages on that entire system was less than that of part I
of SysV.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Flushing HD cache - was Re: FUD about CGD and GDBE

2005-03-03 Thread Bill Vermillion

 Message: 18
 Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 13:15:49 -0800 (PST)
 Subject: Re: FUD about CGD and GBDE  


  I gave up on journalling myself because IMO it complicates
  things a lot and the problem it solves is very very small.

 If only hardware manufacturers were to equip hard drives with
 a mechanism to ensure atomic writes. A capacitor large enough
 to hold enough energy to flush the cache upon detecting the
 power supply was cut would be sufficient. They could even use
 a battery the status of which could be monitored via S.M.A.R.T.,
 I don't see how implementing something like that could possibly
 make the cost noticably higher.

Actually at least some used to do something similar.

In some IBM SCSI drives of a few years ago, if there was a power
failure, the energy in the rotational momentum of the platters
was used as the motor was changed over to a miniature generator
that provided enough current to flush the contents of the 
on-board cache to the platters.

A capacitor large enough might be too large considering how small
everyone is trying to make thier drives.  And the main goal seems
to be to make drives cheaper - so until enough people want this
feature and are willing to pay for - I don't think we'll see this

 Recent IBM Thinkpad and Apple PowerBook G4 laptops have sudden
 motion sensors which park the disk heads when a sudden motion
 is detected in order to prevent damage from a fall and similar,
 so this atomic write guarantee mechanism should be trivial for
 them to implement and it would save us a lot of work.

The first hard drive I ever saw - a genuine Shugart ST-506 -
had to be shipped in two boxes with the internal box being
suspended by springs from the larger box - as it would only take
about .5G before it had problems.  At the time it was the only
5.25 hard drive being made.

Now drives routinely have 100G shock survivability static and at
least 20G when turning.  And a human body will not normaly survive
a 20G shock.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: ATAPI CD changers anybody ?

2005-01-24 Thread Bill Vermillion
On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 23:27 in [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


 Message: 6
 Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2005 17:36:52 +0100
 From: S?ren Schmidt[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: ATAPI CD changers anybody ?

 Seems I lost my lonely ATAPI CDROM with built in changer to the
 eternal HW scrapyards, let it rest in peace :)

 Finding a new one seems difficult so I thought I'd ask around
 how many still has one of these ?

 I ask because the support code for those seem to have suffered
 bitrot to the degree that it most likely hasn't worked on
 -current (maybe even 5.x) for a long time, but alas I cant test

 Now, since it seems that such devices are no longer made, and
 newer really caught on, I need some good reasons to keep the
 (broken) support in there.

My own opinion since HD capacity is getting larger and larger is
that unless you have a large amount of CDs that you need to rotate
in and out - and if there are many it would constantly be reloading
the changer - is to make images of all the CDs you need to 
access, then run vnconfig to set up mount points, and access
the as local file systems?  IT surely is a lot faster.

You could mount 10 CD images this way and only use up 6GB space
and with 500GB HDs coming in at $399 [I saw local ads for that last
week] it could be cheaper than trying to find a changer.

 End of freebsd-hackers Digest, Vol 97, Issue 2

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Protecting from the dreaded rm -fr /

2004-10-02 Thread Bill Vermillion
On Sun, Oct 03, 2004 at 00:20 , Men gasped, women fainted, and small 
children were reduced to tears as [EMAIL PROTECTED] confessed to all:

 Message: 2
 Date: Sat, 2 Oct 2004 22:43:49 +1000
 From: Peter Jeremy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Protection from the dreaded rm -fr /
 To: Giorgos Keramidas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 On Sat, 2004-Oct-02 11:51:43 +0300, Giorgos Keramidas wrote:

 The reason I liked this idea is that root has zillions of other
 ways to destroy an entire system, but not many of them are
 likely to be the result of mistyping a single character as
 shown below:

  # rm -fr / home/someuser/*

 I've had a customer write a cronjob that did almost exactly this.
 He managed to 'test' it on all the (redundant) production systems
 as well as the test model.  We were only called in when he found
 that there were some unexpected console messages and the systems
 wouldn't boot when he pressed the reset button.  Luckily it
 managed to kill itself before it destroyed all the evidence (since
 the culprit initially denied doing anything).

 Based on that, I'm definitely in favour of some anti-foot-shooting

 I don't think it should fail quietly: If I ask the computer to do
 something (stupid or not), it should either do it or tell me that it
 hasn't done it.  Failing to do what I ask and not telling me means
 that I can't trust the computer - I have to double-check that the
 files I wanted to delete have actually gone away.

You can always trust the computer to do exactly what you tell it
to, even if what you told it to was not what you wanted it to do.

If you customer tested the program on non production machines
and it failed on the production machine then it was obvious the 
customer made the mistake of re-creating the crontab line instead
of copying it over.

The way to keep from shooting yourself in the foot is 1) always
check with an 'ls' argument before doing any exterme wildcarding
and if you like what you see use your shell editing to change
'ls' to 'rm'.  2) is to let the end user know that certain things
are very dangerous and they could destory their system, 3) have
automated and verified backups run on the complet system every

I've been using Unix too long to want to see this behaviour
changed, and I'll use the same argument that others do
when they advise against aliasing  rm to  rm -i.

If you know that you can't shoot yourself in the foot, you will 
not treat rm as if it were a loaded automatic pistol and you don't
reinforce your double checking.  Then one day you go to a machine 
that doesn't have the safety-net and you make a mistake and it
won't be recoverable.

If we could arrange to change all the rm's on all the Unix machines
in the world at the same - maybe then I'd go for it :-)


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: How to read bad blocks error message marking of same

2004-08-08 Thread Bill Vermillion
 to determine
if the drive failed or the controller failed.  And by that time
15Mhz ESDI controllers were impossible to find.  The drive was a

The other drive that ran almost 7 years migrated from one ISP to
another.  I replaced it after I made one of my rare trips to the
colo and noticed there was noise from the HD that was heard above
the noise of the 4 Liebert air-handlers in the colo.  That was
a SCSI 'cudda.   The bearings were getting really bad.

As one of the other posters notice SCSI and drives designed for
server work - not made to be the cheapest desk-top just run and

I bought a half-dozen 'as-is' HDs that had been pulled.  A couple
were totally shot.  These were IDE in the 10MB range.  I dl'ed the
manufacturers utitlities for the drives that had them, ran them,
and things came to life.  I found Spanish versions of Windows.

The MS format and 'recovery' utilities had failed on these, just as
Spinrite indicates.  

I've found no need for things such as SpinRite in the Unix world.
I'd like to hear from others who have found the opposite.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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Re: fsck fails - mark sectors as bad?

2004-03-29 Thread Bill Vermillion

 Message: 4
 Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 18:43:03 -0500
 From: Dan Langille [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: fsck fails - mark sectors as bad?
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII

 I had a hard drive failure.  I'm trying to get as much data off it as
 I can before I restore from backup.  I have mounted the drive in
 another box and I'm attempting to salvage what I can.

 I thought I might be able to mark the bad sectors as bad, and get the 
 file system mounted.

[fsck out put deleted in this reply - wjv ]

 this froze up and I found this in /var/log/messages:

 Mar 28 17:11:31 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 6399 of 
 3168-3295 (ad2s1 bn 6399; cn 0 tn 101 sn 36) trying PIO mode
 Mar 28 17:11:31 tmp /kernel: ad2: DMA problem fallback to PIO mode
 Mar 28 17:11:36 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 6415 of 
 3168-3295 (ad2s1 bn 6415; cn 0 tn 101 sn 52) status=59 error=4
 Mar 28 17:11:41 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3187 
 (ad2s1 bn 3187; cn 0 tn 50 sn 37) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:11:46 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3188 
 (ad2s1 bn 3188; cn 0 tn 50 sn 38) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:11:51 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3189 
 (ad2s1 bn 3189; cn 0 tn 50 sn 39) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:11:56 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3190 
 (ad2s1 bn 3190; cn 0 tn 50 sn 40) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:12:01 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3191 
 (ad2s1 bn 3191; cn 0 tn 50 sn 41) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:12:06 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3192 
 (ad2s1 bn 3192; cn 0 tn 50 sn 42) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:12:11 tmp /kernel: ad2s1a: hard error reading fsbn 3194 
 (ad2s1 bn 3194; cn 0 tn 50 sn 44) status=59 error=40
 Mar 28 17:13:24 tmp /kernel: ad2: READ command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - 
 Mar 28 17:13:24 tmp /kernel: ata1: resetting devices .. ata1-slave: 
 ATA identify retries exceeded
 Mar 28 17:13:24 tmp /kernel: done

Definately some bad sectors there.

But you should be able to moun that drive in a read only mode.
In read only you can get by without an fsck, and often this is the
only way to be able to get to the data.

When you get the data off be sure to check it's integrity as
depending on what is read or how it is read you could have blocks
of junk or blocks of nulls.

I've been lucky and never had one corrupt this badly needing to
mount RO in at least 10 years, so I've never had to do this on a
current BSD type FS - just the old S51 and early FFS on commercial
Unix systems.

 End of freebsd-hackers Digest, Vol 54, Issue 1

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x

2004-01-09 Thread Bill Vermillion
Somewhere around Fri, Jan 09, 2004 at 17:11 , the world stopped
and listened as [EMAIL PROTECTED] graced us with
this profound tidbit of wisdom that would fulfill the enjoyment of
future generations:


 Message: 16
 Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2004 22:57:56 +0100
 From: Martin Nilsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Discussion on the future of floppies in 5.x and 6.x
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed

 This is getting stupid!

 This discussion is just like when the i386 support was removed
 from the GENERIC kernel, a lot of noise about old systems that
 wouldn't be able to run (or benefit) from FreeBSD 5 anyway.

There is a difference between old systems and new systems that
don't have CDs.

 And, further, some of us don't have (and don't want) CD
 burners, and even if we had 'em, don't want to burn (no pun
 intended ;) a CD blank just to install an OS, when we can just
 (re-)use 2 floppies and do it across the LAN from a local FTP
 mirror, which is as fast as a CD drive anyway.

 I fail to see the difference in required labour between creating
 two floppies or a CD-R/RW disc. Most new machines ship with
 CD-RW drives today, the only boxes that can't boot from a CD are
 early Pentium1 class and frankly why run 5.x or 6.x on those?

I have several PIII's that can't boot from a CD because there is no
room for a CD.  These are 1RU units in a colo.  A floppy, two HDs,
on the back two NICs, a serial connector, and a keyboard connector.
The iNTEL 1RU units don't even have graphics cards and the BIOS
boot messgages are routed out the serial port which changes to true
serial after POST.

All are in a colo facility - and I suspect many other have the same

The only 1RU units I've personally seen with CD units in them are
the little Sun pizza box Netras - SPARC platform - that a colo
client had has front ends for their G4s [running Web Objects] and
the large Sun running an Oracle back end for a data base. And
those CD players were custom made - and exceptionally thin - and
instead of a drawer that came out, the spindle mechanism came out
that you put the CD onto and then it slid back in.

Space is a big consideration in those small units.  All my 2RU
machine have CDs in them.  I'd hate to have to think of taking the
devices out of the racks and then the building to install a new OS.
It's no fun with a floppy and minimal work space in the racks but
I've only had to access them via floppy about twice, as I can
rebuild and reinstall remotely.  As long as I don't have to remake
a file system I'm in good shape.  But CD's just aren't always in
'industrial' type machines - as the only time they'd be used is
during install.  Luckily at least a couple will support PXE.  Not
all will be that lucky.

 End of freebsd-hackers Digest, Vol 42, Issue 10


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: adding more ram

2003-12-10 Thread Bill Vermillion
While normally not able to pour water out of a boot with
instructions on the heel, on Wed, Dec 10, 2003 at 02:41  
our dear friend Mike Silbersack uttered this load of codswallop:

Just one slight addendum here.

 I'm replying because I want to answer your real question.
 g The notion of swap = 2 x ram is an old one, and is no
 longer applicable. (Some) older VM systems used very simplistic
 swapping mechanisms, which required entire processes to be
 swapped, thereby requiring large amounts of swap space. FreeBSD
 (and other modern OSes) page out to the swap file in increments
 of 4K pages, and do so in a flexible manner. As a result, you
 should always have *some* swap space to handle overload cases,
 but it's not necessary to keep any specific ram to swap ratio.

Systems such as the Irix I used before moving the servers to FBSD
around 1996 - reserverd swap space for applications when the
application started up so those needed large swap space.  Often it
was never used, but the design allocated it anyway.


Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
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Re: Minimalist FreeBSD 4.8

2003-08-27 Thread Bill Vermillion
While humming that old rock song Yackety Yacc - Dont Awk Back 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] sang or SED something like this:

 Message: 10
 Date: Wed, 27 Aug 2003 10:53:38 +1000
 From: Greg Black [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Minimalist FreeBSD 4.8
 To: Diomidis Spinellis [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 On 2003-08-26, Diomidis Spinellis wrote:

  Tyler Kellen wrote:
   The information I'm looking to aquire is the absolute
   minimum files required to boot FreeBSD 4.8 into multi-user
   mode. If this involves deleting a massive amount of
   directories and files, or setting up a new drive and
   copying only the needed files, I think I can make it work.

  You can use the system the way you intent to for two weeks,
  and then run

  find / -atime +2w -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

  This command will delete all files that have not been
  accessed within the last two weeks.

 And it would also remove things like find and xargs and all the
 other system binaries -- their atime does not get changed when
 they are executed. Check your facts before giving this kind of

And if you had an entry like this in your /etc/fstab file it
could cause some suprises too.

# DeviceMountpoint  FStype  Options DumpPass#
...[deleted - only left significant line - wjv]
/dev/da0s1f /usrufs rw,noatime  2   2

This has among other things a new hierarchy and in this
underpowered system I saw no need to write atimes to the inode
which are probably going to be gone in two weeks anyway.

atime is probably not needed in the vast majority of systems IMO.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list
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low level format of an IDE drive

2002-07-09 Thread Bill Vermillion

Knocking over a stack of dishes in the heat sink freebsd-hackers-digest
wondered out loud about:

 Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2002 14:08:27 -0700 (PDT)
 From: Matthew Dillon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: offtopic: low level format of IDE drive.

 :One of my FreeBSD development boxes had a hernia last week
 :when it lost power while writing to disk. The drive wrote out
 :garbage to a track.

 :I want to reformat the drive, (low level) but the bios doesn't
 :have any support to do this (In the past That is how I did
 :this). The machiine has 1 CD drive and no floppy..

 :anyone with any ideas as to how one can reformat a hard drive
 :feel free to lend me a clue..

Two things:

 (1) dd if=/dev/zero of=raw_device bs=32k 

  This will force the drive to reassign broken sectors. Run this
  command twice. If the second run of the command is successful
  and does not stall (looking at running 'iostat 10' output will
  tell you whether it stalled) then you are golden.

  Use the base device for the dd output file, e.g. like.
  '/dev/ad0' Do not specify a slice or a partition .

 (2) If the command fails for any reason other then hitting
  the end of the media, or if it stalls on the second go-around,
  throw the drive away and buy a new one.

Not neccesarily true.   I picked up some as-is where-is drives.  
MS's fdisk would take hours trying to map out bad spots, failures

I got the manufacturers format disk and these came back as if they
never had a problem.  Disks are available for Western Digital,
Seagate, and Maxtor.  I've found no others.

I had a install on FreeBSD go astry because of an old-bios and
could not get anything to work.  It was a brand new warranted
drive.  Manufacturer 'recertify' - one of the options on the Maxtor
disk - made everything lovely again.

For SCSI problems I have access to an SGI and their low-level SCSI
utility is wonderful - commercial version at hundreds.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com

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Re: lsof and listening processes on 4.5

2002-02-12 Thread Bill Vermillion

 Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 16:18:35 -0800
 From: David O'Brien [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: lsof and listening processes on 4.5
 On Mon, Feb 11, 2002 at 01:19:23PM +0100, Rogier R. Mulhuijzen wrote:
  If you did recompile, maybe we broke lsof =)
 We did with 4.5.  Unfortunately the latest LSOF changed how it is packed.
 I spent an hour trying to update the port but got pulled away before I
 was done.  Grab the latest tarball and build by hand.

Hm.  Something must be broken then.  I run cvs from cron and update
ports all the time.   I'm running 4.5-Stable #9 and I recompiled
lsof yesterday from the prots with absolutely no problems.

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com

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Re: forwarding broadcast

2001-08-09 Thread Bill Vermillion

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 11:36:38AM -0400, Jonathan Chen thus sprach:

 On FreeBSD -CURRENT and -STABLE, packets to broadcast addresses   
 are not forwarded. For instance, if I have a FreeBSD router with  
 interfaces and, and I send packets from to, the packets are dropped to the  
 floor. IMO, this is wrong...  

But the question now is - what is the netmask on these interfaces.?
That will make a difference.

Bill Vermillion -   bv @ wjv . com

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Re: forwarding broadcast

2001-08-09 Thread Bill Vermillion

On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 12:30:56PM -0400, Jonathan Chen thus sprach:
 On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 12:23:52PM -0400, Bill Vermillion wrote:
  On Thu, Aug 09, 2001 at 11:36:38AM -0400, Jonathan Chen thus sprach:
   On FreeBSD -CURRENT and -STABLE, packets to broadcast addresses   
   are not forwarded. For instance, if I have a FreeBSD router with  
   interfaces and, and I send packets from to, the packets are dropped to the  
   floor. IMO, this is wrong...  

  But the question now is - what is the netmask on these interfaces.?
  That will make a difference.

 These are both class C networks, and their netmask is specified
 accordingly (/24). I'm pretty sure my setup is correct here.

So they are two separate networks therefore a broadcast for one
should not go the other.

If on the other hand you netmask was then
192.168.0.x thru would be part of the same network
and you'd expect a broadcast to propagate.  At least this is how I
understand how it works, and I could be wrong.

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Bill Vermillion -   bv @ wjv . com

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Re: freebsd-hackers-digest V5 #152

2001-06-17 Thread Bill Vermillion

 Re: Query: How to tell if Microsoft is using BSD TCP/IP code? 


  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jordan Hubbard)
  Date: Fri 15 Jun, 2001
  Subject: Re: Query:  How to tell if Microsoft is using BSD TCP/IP code?

  root@winston- strings FTP.EXE |grep University of California
  @(#) Copyright (c) 1983 The Regents of the University of California.

 You can't tell much from the utilities, there are still too many
 obvious traces of the proprietary product they originally licensed
 (much of which was not BSD-derived, ...

Using Windows Explorer and searching for contain text with Regents
of the University of California yield results for:


Bill Vermillion -   bv @ wjv . com

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Re: Patented algorithm in FreeBSD

2001-06-13 Thread Bill Vermillion

Patents don't always require licensing.  Ever Unix system extant
has a patented piece in it [or perhaps HAD is more appropriate]
as the patents had expired.

I saw the copy of it years ago and I looked for it recently but
can't figure out where it is.

The permissions - the old -rwx- etc we are so familiar with was
patented, Ritchie or Thompson, and was patented and permitted to be
used by anyone.  This was so no one could monopolize it.

Jordan pointed out the XOR routing for curosor hiding, and 15 years
ago there was big hub-bub and a lot of net-posting on that fearing
that someone might try to enforce that.   It was a well-know useage
but someone did patent it.  This goes to the era of the suits on
'look and feel'.We just need to hide all the code from the

Bill Vermillion - bv @ wjv . com

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Re: kernel size..

2001-05-10 Thread Bill Vermillion

On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 11:51:18AM +0100, vishwanath pargaonkar thus sprach:

 i have free bsd 4.2 stable.
 i did some changes may be 10-15 lines to kernel
 but thing i am amazed is kernel size.
 size of kernel.GENERIC is 3258128.
 but as of my kernel is 13068130 when i cheked it.
 my kernel is stable there is no probs.
 but y is size soo big??

No one will have a clue unless you at least tell us what lines you 
Bill Vermillion -   bv @ wjv . com

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Re: freebsd-hackers-digest V5 #1

2001-01-07 Thread Bill Vermillion

 Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2001 05:07:06 -0800 (PST)
 From: Gordon Tetlow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: OT: silence as an answer? (was: how to test out cron.c changes?)

 Hello there!

 On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, Doug Barton wrote:
  Gerhard Sittig wrote:

   Consider the following. We are in the spring and DST is
  "springing forward" at 2am. We have a job scheduled at 2:15
  that takes one hour to run. There is another job scheduled at
  3:20 that ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY cannot run unless the first
  job finishes. Aside from the fact that this is bad design, how
  should cron handle this situation?

 I think this is a really horrible example. It is impossible for
 FreeBSD to expect to catch bad design on a local administrator's
 part. The admin should implement some sort of semaphore (a file in
 /tmp) or just append the dependent job to the first job. We can't
 insulate stupidity, at least we shouldn't, otherwise FreeBSD is
 going to start looking more like Windows.

I agree on that.  Cron can't know the just how a program runs.
Taking the above example and shifting the first program back
to prior to 2AM - and that it take over an hour to run - what
happens when a the clock springs forward and the hour is missing.
The job wasn't scheduled in the 2AM black hole area.  Programmers
do have to consider DST.  That's what we get paid for, right.
Just like getting things like Y2K straight :-0   And the last
Y2K bugs occured this past week.  In Norway [as I recall] on train
schedules, because 12/31/2000 hadn't been tested and this week in
the US when all the 7/11 stores POS system though 01/01/01 was
1901, and that all the credit cards were invalid.

 I think that cron is broken because it doesn't handle DST shift
 properly. Just my opinion though, and we seem to get plenty of
 those around here =)

ISTR that at least in the last couple of years some of the OSes
handle the DST shift properly.  eg - not running a job twice for
example.  I've not had a problem on BSD - but then I don't have
anything scheduled in those hours except things that run every

Bill Vermillion -   bv @ wjv . com

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