On Sun, May 20, 2001 at 08:05:19AM -0400, Bill Abt wrote:
> Yeah, your right about slot.  It should be allocated off the heap...  Hmm,
> that would probably explain a few inconsistencies we've seen as well.
> Thanks!!!!
> As far as incorporating your changes into the release, sure!!!  Another
> platform/os would be great.

Ok, the patch is here:


Rough edges:

(a) @NATIVE@ needs to be substituted with pth_native.c or 
    pth_native_freebsd.c depending on the platform. I'm not
    too good at autoconf.

(b) The changes to pth_lib.c can probably be ignored. They're there to
    fix compilation errors on FreeBSD and it's not clear to me what the
    correct solution is.

(c) This is a mysterious bug that I'm not able to solve even after
    fighting with it for a couple of days:

-    void (* volatile mctx_starting_func)(void);
+    static void (* volatile mctx_starting_func)(void);
   This variable gets corrupted on FreeBSD after a context switch.
   I suspect that this could be a compiler issue, but haven't been
   able to pin point the problem. I'm using:

$ gcc -v
Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.3 20010315 (release)


   1. Increasing the stack size, didn't help. It also makes it unlikely
      that someone is accidentally stepping on the malloc'ed stack.

   2. The problem disappeared after I put some debug statements in the
      surrounding code. This might have tickled the compiler in such a
      way that the problem got masked.

   Making the variable static makes the problem go away. This shouldn't
   be a problem, since all threads get bootstrapped the same way ?


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