Cryptocurrency: BSD's need more wallet ports

2019-12-14 Thread grarpamp
Many BSD users follow cryptocurrencies, and would have interest in testing, learning, supporting, and transacting, already have holdings on other OS but might prefer BSD for various reasons over say Windows and Phones, would like to send and receive donations, support development, grow the

Re: Archives of last quarterly package builds?

2018-08-04 Thread grarpamp
I'd rather keep the subject on topic about archiving the final quarterly package builds [1] in variously accessible ways for varied lengths of time. Please pull the convo on overall ports strategy into a different subject. [1] Or the finals / checkpoints of whatever strategies are in place into

Re: Archives of last quarterly package builds?

2018-08-03 Thread grarpamp
> And many 10s of GB which we would be forcing all the mirrors to carry > (and remember, *N archs *n OSVERSIONS). > This has been cited as a stopper in the past. There's enough slack to pull down at least one new quarter, how deep that slack goes hasn't been chimed in on but this was copied out

Re: Archives of last quarterly package builds?

2018-08-03 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 11:17 PM, Kurt Jaeger wrote: > as the setup of your own package builder box > is simple enough -- wouldn't that be an alternative for you ? Simple and even done. Yet being local, that wouldn't cover others out there who might have found or thought of similar or additional

Re: Archives of last quarterly package builds?

2018-08-02 Thread grarpamp
On Thu, Aug 2, 2018 at 6:48 PM, Mark Linimon wrote: > This was discussed in a long thread last June: > > > > Short answer: we don't have enough resources. The OP there titles and suggests opening more development branches,

Re: Archives of last quarterly package builds?

2018-08-02 Thread grarpamp
/this_quarter - same as today's /quarterly /head - unlikely due to build / mirror times and other factors /Qn - expose these for manual tracking and cutforward, and the validation purposes below [bcc for thread ref] On Sun, Jul 22, 2018 at 4:44 AM, Julian Elischer wrote: > On 22/7/18 5:59

Archives of last quarterly package builds?

2018-07-21 Thread grarpamp
Packages are delivered via a single quarterly label here which corresponds to the latest quarterly branch label here However, similar to how the tags here

Re: Gimp package?

2013-09-21 Thread grarpamp
On 9/19/13, Gary Aitken wrote: On 09/19/13 12:46, grarpamp wrote: Hi. I see that a gimp port exists so I went to try the gimp package but could not find it in the stable i386 package branches on the FTP server, or in say 9 stable amd64. Is there a problem building

Gimp package?

2013-09-19 Thread grarpamp
Hi. I see that a gimp port exists so I went to try the gimp package but could not find it in the stable i386 package branches on the FTP server, or in say 9 stable amd64. Is there a problem building or distributing it to FTP or am I missing something? The release packages are usually rather old so

packages-8-stable: nine (9) months old

2013-06-07 Thread grarpamp
Not sure if this is intentional now that package building is back online from the compromise, but they are indeed still that old... Nice to see 8.4 out though

Re: Binary Packages Are Available Again

2013-05-14 Thread grarpamp
In an announcement it was said... We are now glad to announce that binary packages available again for 8.x, 9.x branches on i386 and amd64 architectures Note that the packages for 8.x, ie: packages-8-stable on i386 and amd64, are still 7-8 months old. Other than that, I'm sure it's just a

FTP packages missing CHECKSUM.MD5

2013-04-11 Thread grarpamp
Noticed that at least ports/i386/packages-9-stable is missing its CHECKSUM.MD5 file. Of course people shouldn't use it for what they think it's for, because it's not signed and uses a broken hash function. Hopefully that will be updated to signed sha1/256/3 before long. However it does make for

Re: Status of packages

2013-03-27 Thread grarpamp
It's nice to see something like redports. It can be helpful to those using ports to diagnose their local builds against the output of a formal sandbox service for the project. It would be cool if the logs, build hiers and packages from such a buildbot were accessible. They'd obviously always

Re: Status of packages

2013-03-26 Thread grarpamp
This may not have made it out in this list, the latest announcement is here It's nice to see something like redports. It can be helpful to those using ports to diagnose their local builds against the output of a formal sandbox

Status of packages

2013-03-25 Thread grarpamp
There haven't been any package updates since last October, even September in the soon to be legacy case of RELENG_8 i386. So lets say six months. Last status I noticed was in January pending 'security review of build farm code'. Nearly two months later this would seem to be an unusual amount of

Packages not updating on FTP

2013-01-30 Thread grarpamp
There haven't been any packages pushed to FTP for any major, minor or platform in at least three months. Yes, there is probably some grand plan, architecture, and hosting shuffle going on as a result of being cracked. And that is a good thing. But can someone please consider copying over an

Re: Packages not updating on FTP

2013-01-30 Thread grarpamp
The build farm is still offline awaiting the code to be updated to a point where it will pass a security review. Ok, thanks for the update. ___ mailing list To

Process question: port commits - FTP package generation

2012-11-05 Thread grarpamp
How do commits to a port ultimately make it out to the FTP mirrors in package form? For instance, the following update dates indicate there is no automated dependency engine doing this (surely to avoid some chaos and engine difficulty). With the exception of the 4 month spread in the file dates

Packages missing from 9.1-release

2012-10-14 Thread grarpamp
I noticed some packages have been missing from ftp://.../9-stable/All for a 2-3 weeks. Just a heads up in case 9.1 is cut from stable. i386 - vlc amd64 - cvsup, doom ___ mailing list

Re: ports/171791: libreoffice-3.5.6_1 display corruption [unusable]

2012-09-20 Thread grarpamp
I have the same behavior with chromium Thanks for the confirmation that someone else is seeing some form of corruption. (There are not screenshots yet so we may be seeing different forms.) closing/reopening glitchy tab helps, also as rolling up the chromium window. Tabbing (in localc)

Re: ports/171791: libreoffice-3.5.6_1 display corruption [unusable]

2012-09-20 Thread grarpamp
I am also seeing intermittent screen corruption. Seems to happen most often in Firefox, but I see it in gnome-terminal windows, as well. Sometimes even across the screen, crossing windows and icons. Always looks like hieroglyphics in red on a very doark (black or dark blue?) background. I

ports/168343: editors/libreoffice 3.5.6_1 missing dependency (graphics/sampleicc)

2012-09-19 Thread grarpamp
Marking current, as observed with newer revision of pkg: libreoffice-3.5.6_1 ___ mailing list To unsubscribe, send any mail to

missing from releng_8 i386 ftp: valgrind, libreoffice

2012-07-20 Thread grarpamp
Noting that the big refresh of packages a couple days ago is now missing the above styled packages. Whereas they were there a couple weeks ago. thx.. ___ mailing list To

Re: Standard file permissions for /usr/local

2012-07-08 Thread grarpamp
Given there is no context as to what these are and belong to the numbers below with the symbolic meaning are useless besides saying the system is Oops, thought I had that noted. They are sort | uniq -c of the permission column of find -ls. Blindly going through installed software with a

Standard file permissions for /usr/local

2012-07-07 Thread grarpamp
Given a /usr/local populated only by ports (more specifically, packages), we have the following stats... /usr/local 54378 -r--r--r-- 1 -r-sr-xr-x 1505 -r-xr-xr-x 21790 -rw-r--r-- 9 -rw-rw-r-- 1 -rws--x--x 1 -rwsr-x--- 1 -rwsr-xr-- 4 -rwsr-xr-x 4 -rwxr-sr-x 3515 -rwxr-xr-x

Re: Standard file permissions for /usr/local

2012-07-07 Thread grarpamp
It's pointless having most files u+w, since they won't be edited I suggest that for various management purposes, it is not pointless, and if not u+w, it's otherwise annoying. drwxr-xr-x 10 root wheel 512 Jul 7 18:43 . -r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 0 Jul 7 18:43 1 -r--r--r-- 1 root wheel

packages missing: virtualbox, smplayer

2012-03-02 Thread grarpamp
Noticed that the virtualbox and smplayer packages just went missing from releng-8 ftp. Maybe an oversight or build race or breakage? An FYI. if it's not otherwise known. ___ mailing list

Bitcoin stable (v0.5.x) on FreeBSD [patch]

2012-01-29 Thread grarpamp
FreeBSD's port of bitcoin is lagging behind. Here is a patch. Though it should go well, a QT build has not been tried yet. Surely others can do a better job with the makefile than me. The rest is backport from bitcoind master + includes. test_bitcoin works. Please consider/review for inclusion.

Re: Bitcoin stable (v0.5.x) on FreeBSD [patch]

2012-01-29 Thread grarpamp
FWIW, I tried to integrate the makefile changes, and hit some difficulties. I can't seem to build with the current STATIC=1 at all, and using -static produces a binary my system claims doesn't exist. :/ I don't know what you're integrating them with, what platform you're on, what the output

Bitcoin update

2012-01-27 Thread grarpamp
Would it be a good time to request (or receive) an update to Bitcoin? The rationale (security, bugs, QT, etc) is included below. Thanks for consideration :) ___ mailing list

bwn firmware (bwn, bwi, fwcutter)

2011-10-23 Thread grarpamp
FYI, there now appear to be some updates available regarding this toolchain...;a=tree I'm using fwcutter 0.15 and fw 508.154 on a 4312 LP

Re: bwn firmware (bwn, bwi, fwcutter)

2011-10-23 Thread grarpamp
I'm using fwcutter 0.15 and fw 508.154 on a 4312 LP phy with success under Linux. For FreeBSD the two port Makefiles would seem to be a pretty easy update. Would it be necessary to update the kernel drivers as well? sys/dev/bwn sys/dev/siba Or are they abstracted enough from the firmware

audio/cdparanoia broken on -CURRENT, and probably on 9.0

2011-10-07 Thread grarpamp
I think that it would be worthwhile to look into moving to 10.2, which has a large number of improvements, although suffering from some Linuxisms. My efforts at an update failed due to my own failings :) So just a ditto on the suggestion to move to 10.2 and avoiding BROKEN. You may also want

Infrared ENE CIR KB3926 chipset, freebsd lirc port

2011-02-19 Thread grarpamp
This chip is commonly found in laptops, one of which I've just tried. I think FreeBSD is missing a driver for the infrared part of it? Linux 2.6.37 claims both receive and transmit capabilities. Lirc 0.8.7 and up has an ene0100 interface to it for both receive and transmit. So I'll try with

b43-fwcutter port update to v13 [patch]

2011-02-18 Thread grarpamp
I diffed the source of b43-fwcutter, v12 to v13. And also between v12 + fbsd port patches and v13 native. It all looks clean, both compile, and v13 produces digest identical output files to v12 + fbsd port when used as in the bwi and bwn kmod ports. The current fwcutter port can thus be bumped to

LIRC - Linux Infared Remote Control

2011-02-17 Thread grarpamp
Putting 'infrared' into the search box here: fails to list this port, because its description is spelled wrong. Daniel no longer maintains this. So I suppose the listing, long description, and Makefile contacts should be cut over to ports@. Thanks.

ghostscript x11

2010-11-02 Thread grarpamp Unknown device: x11 Unrecoverable error: undefined in .uninstallpagedevice Operand stack: defaultdevice Wrote elhosots: After my post, ive been unable to reproduce my own results. The only thing that works for me

ghostscript x11 [8-stable]

2010-10-26 Thread grarpamp
An FYI regarding: This problem has existed for me for many months, if not more. Currently: -rw-r--r--1 110 1002 11407910 Oct 07 11:33 ghostscript8-8.71_6.tbz 4a2328c262b08dc78938c66548117d27dc6a3586

Re: Broken pkgdep on jdk- ?

2010-05-21 Thread grarpamp
Forgot the relevant parts of the pkg_add log... Error: Unable to get File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)