On 12/18/16 02:24, John Marino wrote:

The whole "see, it's not a replacement, you lose" tactic is weak and
transparent.  Nobody ever said that.  what was said:

1) portmaster is not maintained (true)
2) portmaster's dirty build method is inferior to clean environment
builds (true)
3) There is better and official alternative (true)
4) There's a second, even more effective alternative for x86 platforms
5) portmaster should come with a big fat warning (subjective)

So poudriere doesn't have this "weakness" and synth only has it because
these 2nd tier platforms are popular enough to warrant bringing the Ada
compiler over to them.  Is it possible to port the ada frontend to
armv6/v7?  Of course, I've already done it, see lang/gnatdroid*.
However, it's questionable to try to build huge packages natively on

You can't claim portmaster is the only and therefore best option for
second tier platforms.  It's untrue.  Saying it runs where synth isn't
available doesn't justify keeping portmaster at an exulted status.  You
cannot dismiss poudriere like that.


Jumping into the frying pan ( I like it hot ).....

I like synth and I use it for all my AMD64 boxen. The only thing that I have an issue with is when there are only a few packages that are being updated and it wants to build 100+. Example:

These are the ports that would be built ([N]ew, [R]ebuild, [U]pgrade):
  U => x11/libXpm (3.5.11_4 => 3.5.12)
  U => audio/soundtouch (1.9.2_1 => 1.9.2_2)
  N => ports-mgmt/dialog4ports
  U => editors/vim-lite (8.0.0130 => 8.0.0134)
  R => mail/thunderbird
  R => x11/kde4
  R => x11/lumina
  R => x11/xorg
Total packages that would be built: 221

Yes I cut some of the ones to be rebuilt. I don't know enough about the how, when and why that synth needs to rebuild all of those... I just except it and move on. Synth has never left me with a broken system as some of the other package managers.

I have synth configured to use /usr/home/synth:

$ ls /usr/home/synth
build           logs            pkg.list        ports
distfiles       packages        pkgbld.sh       svn-update-freebsd.sh

so everything is in /usr/home/synth.

Here is how I use it ( I have two scripts )

cat svn-update-freebsd.sh

#!/bin/sh -

source="${stable} ${releng} ${release} ${ports} ${branches} ${doc}"
for i in ${source} ; do
        if [ -d "${prefix}/${i}" ]; then
                svnlite update "${prefix}/${i}"
                mkdir -vp "${prefix}/${i}"
                svnlite co "https://svn.freebsd.org/${i}"; "${prefix}/${i}"
#mkdir -vp "${prefix}/quarterly/2016Q4"
#svnlite checkout "https://svn.freebsd.org/ports/branches/2016Q4 ${prefix}/quarterly/2106Q4" rsync --verbose --archive --recursive --delete ${prefix}/${ports}/ /usr/home/synth/ports/

cat pkgbld.sh

#!/bin/sh -
synth just-build /usr/home/synth/pkg.list
synth rebuild-repository

A simple

#  cd /usr/home/synth && ./svn-update-freebsd.sh && ./pkgbld.sh;poweroff

works for me.

Synth is good and I highly recommend it.
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