I am attempting to update the sysutils/di port from 4.19 to 4.20. Prior to 4.19, there was a Build script in place that did configuring and building, including if the .po files for NLS were to be utilized or not. With 4.20, they have done away with this Build script and now only have a Makefile to handle configuring and building in one step. Installing was done manually instead of using Build, although I could use the install step of the Makefile now.

It seems as though the option to enable or disable if NLS is used has been removed from the latest version as well. With 4.19 and earlier, I could call the build-po target of the Build script when I needed to, since I was telling Build earlier if I wanted NLS or not. Trying to do the same with calling the Makefile doesn't seem to work, as it doesn't seem to properly invoke certain commands in the Makefile. The command they created to help determine if NLS should be enabled or disabled does not seem to have a flag to allow the user to choose so.

What I did with the port, so far, is removed the do-configure step, changed the do-build step to call ${MAKE} instead of ./Build, also trying to call ${MAKE} build-po if WITHOUT_NLS is not set (but this fails because the Makefile doesn't properly include certain variables), and changed the do-install step to call ${MAKE} install instead of manually copying files, also trying to use ${MAKE} install-po if WITHOUT_NLS is not set, same problem as build-po.

If I am doing something incorrectly, please let me know. I am attaching my current diff of the port, which includes the old parts commented out as I was still testing the port. Any help is appreciated. If I need to clarify anything, let me know.

Naram Qashat
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/di/Makefile 
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/di/Makefile     2010-02-03 08:55:41.000000000 -0500
+++ /kirby/shared/ports/di/Makefile     2010-04-02 23:49:12.000000000 -0400
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 PORTNAME=      di
 CATEGORIES=    sysutils
 MASTER_SITES=  http://www.gentoo.com/di/ \
@@ -19,60 +19,89 @@
 .if !defined(WITHOUT_NLS)
 PLIST_SUB=     NLS=""
-DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=       0
+#DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=      0
-DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=       1
+#DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=      1
 PLIST_SUB=     NLS="@comment "
-USE_PERL5_BUILD=       yes
+#USE_PERL5_BUILD=      yes
 .include <bsd.port.pre.mk>
        @${REINPLACE_CMD} -e "s|zoneid_t|zoneId_t|g" ${WRKSRC}/di.c
-       @${CHMOD} +x ${WRKSRC}/Build
-       @${CHMOD} +x ${WRKSRC}/features/turnoffnls.sh
+#      @${CHMOD} +x ${WRKSRC}/Build
+#      @${CHMOD} +x ${WRKSRC}/features/turnoffnls.sh
+#      (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
+#              ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} DI_BUILD_MKCONFIG_PL=1 \
+#              CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
+#              prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
+#              DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=${DI_BUILD_NO_NLS} \
+#              ./Build config.h)
+#      (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
+#              ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
+#              CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
+#              prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
+#              DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=${DI_BUILD_NO_NLS} \
+#              ./Build)
        (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
-               ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} DI_BUILD_MKCONFIG_PL=1 \
+               ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
                CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
                prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
-               DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=${DI_BUILD_NO_NLS} \
-               ./Build config.h)
+               ${MAKE})
+.if !defined(WITHOUT_NLS)
        (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
                ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
                CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
                prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
-               DI_BUILD_NO_NLS=${DI_BUILD_NO_NLS} \
-               ./Build)
+               ${MAKE} build-po)
-       ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/di ${PREFIX}/bin
-       ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/bin/di ${PREFIX}/bin/mi
-       ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/di.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
+#      ${INSTALL_PROGRAM} ${WRKSRC}/di ${PREFIX}/bin
+#      ${LN} -sf ${PREFIX}/bin/di ${PREFIX}/bin/mi
+#      ${INSTALL_MAN} ${WRKSRC}/di.1 ${PREFIX}/man/man1
+       (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
+               ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
+               CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
+               prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
+               ${MAKE} install)
 .if !defined(WITHOUT_NLS)
+#      (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
+#              ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
+#              CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
+#              prefix="${PREFIX}" \
+#              LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
+#              ./Build build-po)
+#      (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
+#              ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
+#              CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
+#              prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
+#              ${MAKE} build-po)
+#      -(cd ${WRKSRC}/po;for i in *.po; do \
+#      j=`echo $$i | ${SED} 's,\\.po$$,,'`; \
+#      test -d ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j || \
+#              ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j; \
+#      test -d ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j/LC_MESSAGES || \
+#              ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j/LC_MESSAGES; \
+#      ${INSTALL_DATA} $$j.mo \
+#      ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j/LC_MESSAGES/di.mo; \
+#      ${RM} -f $$j.mo; \
+#      done)
        (cd ${WRKSRC}; \
                ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
                CC="${CC}" LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" \
-               prefix="${PREFIX}" \
-               LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
-               ./Build build-po)
-       -(cd ${WRKSRC}/po;for i in *.po; do \
-       j=`echo $$i | ${SED} 's,\\.po$$,,'`; \
-       test -d ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j || \
-               ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j; \
-       test -d ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j/LC_MESSAGES || \
-               ${MKDIR} ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j/LC_MESSAGES; \
-       ${INSTALL_DATA} $$j.mo \
-       ${PREFIX}/share/locale/$$j/LC_MESSAGES/di.mo; \
-       ${RM} -f $$j.mo; \
-       done)
+               prefix="${PREFIX}" LOCALEDIR="${PREFIX}/share/locale" \
+               ${MAKE} install-po)
 .include <bsd.port.post.mk>
diff -ruN --exclude=CVS /usr/ports/sysutils/di/distinfo 
--- /usr/ports/sysutils/di/distinfo     2010-02-03 08:55:41.000000000 -0500
+++ /kirby/shared/ports/di/distinfo     2010-04-02 21:47:13.000000000 -0400
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-MD5 (di-4.19.tar.gz) = 79ccc2e364d82e58c313da6456429a80
-SHA256 (di-4.19.tar.gz) = 
-SIZE (di-4.19.tar.gz) = 65784
+MD5 (di-4.20.tar.gz) = c773341c8b26660c84e82c37eb492303
+SHA256 (di-4.20.tar.gz) = 
+SIZE (di-4.20.tar.gz) = 79628
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