I've recently bought a a VIA K8M890-based motherboard.  This chip set
has onboard VGA, but it's not supported by X.org or XFree86 (well, the
vesa driver recognizes it, but that's not saying much).  On the other
hand, VIA has X.org drivers for it in source form, which for some
reason X.org has not incorporated into the distribution.  So it makes
sense to port them.

Problem: how do I do that?  The most obvious approach is to extract
x11-servers/xorg-server and replace the via driver with the VIA code.
But that sounds tacky.

My understanding of the Ports Collection is not really up to this
task.  If somebody wants to take over the project, feel free.
Otherwise I'd be grateful for some hand-holding.

The source tarball is at
(and yes, though the name suggests that the drivers are for XFree86,
the accompanying documentation (src/ReleaseNotes.txt) talks of X.org).
There's also another, less powerful package at
See also
for some minimal documentation.

See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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