On Wed, 2008-07-02 at 15:57 -0400, Chuck Robey wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> I'm having problems building this, it dpoesn't see it's own defintion for 
> symbol
> avahi_init_i18n (it's defined it it's own code but I guess not linked in).  I
> went and googled it, it's apparently been spotted as a problem with all
> avahi-gtk versions at 6.22.2 and earlier, and it seems that our port is at
> 6.22.1.  it was fixed for sure in .4.  Myu problem is, I can't for the life of
> me see where the damn minor version is set.  All i can see is,  it's set to
> 6.22, and no hint of a trailing .1.
> So, either, if anyone knows what the fix is, OR if anyone knows where the 
> minor
> is being set, I'd be happy enough.
> You know, just as an aside, one of my problems with today's ports are the huge
> reliance on sub-makefiles.  It nearly always makes things more difficult to
> trace out errors.  Yes, it's more elegant, but I just don't believe that 
> selling
> out for elegance is a good idea; I would rather have it easier to see and fix,
> that just seems so obvious to me.
> Don't get me wrong, I very much like things like bsd.port.mk, it's things like
> hiding the names, version numbers, things like that about the ports that I
> dislike, like the bsd.gnome.mk, and all the masterdirs.  I just personally 
> don't
> see the gain it making references unobvious.

It isn't in any of the sub-makefiles. Port net/avahi-gtk is a slave of
net/avahi-app (according to MASTERDIR). Your answer is in

BTW, avahi (and slaves) is versioned 0.6.22, not 6.22. You want to
change it to I guess...

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Coleman Kane

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  • avahi-gtk Chuck Robey
    • Re: avahi-gtk Coleman Kane

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