The below showed up for poudiere-devel bulk getting stuck using one FreeBSD
cpu while building graphics/poppler-qt5 . This is not a kevent hang-up, unlike
the last hang-up that I analyzed. I do not yet know how repeatable this is
but the original hang-up and the one experiment the below is from.

>From top:

12789 root          4  52    0   166M    33M    0 uwait    6  36:06  97.22% 
/usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E cmake_autogen 

Note: The vast margority of the 36:06 has been stuck in the uwait loop involved.

>From ps -auxd:

root       94075    0.0  0.0  12932  3552  1  S+   10:42        0:01.21 |       
    `-- sh -e /usr/local/share/poudriere/ -jFBSDFSSDjailArmV7 -w 
root        1944    0.0  0.0  12932  3540  1  I+   10:42        0:00.00 |       
      |-- sh -e /usr/local/share/poudriere/ -jFBSDFSSDjailArmV7 -w 
root        1957    0.0  0.0  12932  3556  1  I    10:42        0:00.04 |       
      |-- sh: poudriere[FBSDFSSDjailArmV7-default][01]: build_pkg 
(poppler-qt5-0.72.0) (sh)
root       12328    0.0  0.0  12932  3548  1  I    10:49        0:00.00 |       
      | `-- sh: poudriere[FBSDFSSDjailArmV7-default][01]: build_pkg 
(poppler-qt5-0.72.0) (sh)
root       12329    0.0  0.0  10328  1756  1  IJ   10:49        0:00.01 |       
      |   `-- /usr/bin/make -C /usr/ports/graphics/poppler-qt5 stage
root       12350    0.0  0.0   9860  1248  1  IJ   10:49        0:00.00 |       
      |     `-- /usr/bin/make -f Makefile 
DESTDIR=/wrkdirs/usr/ports/graphics/poppler-qt5/work/stage install
root       12353    0.0  0.0  10236  1664  1  IJ   10:49        0:00.05 |       
      |       `-- /nxb-bin/usr/bin/make -f CMakeFiles/Makefile2 qt5/all
root       12787    0.0  0.0   9856  1236  1  IJ   10:50        0:00.00 |       
      |         `-- /nxb-bin/usr/bin/make -f 
qt5/tests/CMakeFiles/check_qt5_attachments_autogen.dir/build.make qt5/test
root       12789  100.0  0.0 169868 33528  1  IJ   10:50       36:35.26 |       
      |           `-- /usr/local/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/local/bin/cmake -E 
cmake_autogen /wrkdirs/usr/ports/graphics/
root       94423    0.0  0.0  12932  3484  1  S+   10:42        0:12.91 |       
      `-- sh -e /usr/local/share/poudriere/ -jFBSDFSSDjailArmV7 -w 

(gdb) attach 12789
Attaching to process 12789
Reading symbols from 
[New LWP 101168 of process 12789]
[New LWP 101178 of process 12789]
[New LWP 101499 of process 12789]
[Switching to LWP 100304 of process 12789]
_umtx_op () at _umtx_op.S:3
3       RSYSCALL(_umtx_op)
(gdb) info threads
  Id   Target Id                   Frame 
* 1    LWP 100304 of process 12789 _umtx_op () at _umtx_op.S:3
  2    LWP 101168 of process 12789 _umtx_op_err () at 
  3    LWP 101178 of process 12789 _umtx_op () at _umtx_op.S:3
  4    LWP 101499 of process 12789 0x0000000060051c26 in atomic_cmpset_int 
(dst=<optimized out>, expect=<optimized out>, src=536870912) at 
(gdb) thread 4
[Switching to thread 4 (LWP 101499 of process 12789)]
#0  0x0000000060051c26 in atomic_cmpset_int (dst=<optimized out>, 
expect=<optimized out>, src=536870912) at /usr/include/machine/atomic.h:220
220     ATOMIC_CMPSET(int);

(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000060051c26 in atomic_cmpset_int (dst=<optimized out>, 
expect=<optimized out>, src=536870912) at /usr/include/machine/atomic.h:220
#1  tcmpset_32 (addr=<optimized out>, a=<optimized out>, b=536870912) at 
#2  freebsd_rw_unlock (target_addr=4108246528) at 
#3  0x000000006004ab33 in do_freebsd__umtx_op (obj=<optimized out>, 
op=536870912, val=<optimized out>, uaddr=<optimized out>, 
target_time=<optimized out>)
#4  0x0000000060041b83 in do_freebsd_syscall (cpu_env=0x86159b118, num=454, 
arg1=<optimized out>, arg2=<optimized out>, arg3=<optimized out>, arg4=0, 
arg5=0, arg6=-184411592, arg7=-199471616, 
    arg8=-1622188640) at 
#5  0x00000000600392f0 in target_cpu_loop (env=0x86159b118) at 
#6  0x0000000060038c99 in cpu_loop (env=0xf4dede80) at 
#7  0x0000000060050c1a in new_freebsd_thread_start (arg=<optimized out>) at 
#8  0x00000000601ad5f6 in thread_start (curthread=0x861571300) at 
#9  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
Backtrace stopped: Cannot access memory at address 0x7fffdfbb3000

181     #define ATOMIC_CMPSET(TYPE)                             \
182     static __inline int                                     \
183     atomic_cmpset_##TYPE(volatile u_##TYPE *dst, u_##TYPE expect, u_##TYPE 
src) \
184     {                                                       \
185             u_char res;                                     \
186                                                             \
187             __asm __volatile(                               \
188             "       " MPLOCKED "            "               \
189             "       cmpxchg %3,%1 ; "                       \
190             "       sete    %0 ;            "               \
191             "# atomic_cmpset_" #TYPE "      "               \
192             : "=q" (res),                   /* 0 */         \
193               "+m" (*dst),                  /* 1 */         \
194               "+a" (expect)                 /* 2 */         \
195             : "r" (src)                     /* 3 */         \
196             : "memory", "cc");                              \
197             return (res);                                   \
198     }                                                       \
. . .
218     ATOMIC_CMPSET(char);
219     ATOMIC_CMPSET(short);
220     ATOMIC_CMPSET(int);
221     ATOMIC_CMPSET(long);

(gdb) up
#1  tcmpset_32 (addr=<optimized out>, a=<optimized out>, b=536870912) at 
178         return atomic_cmpset_acq_32(addr, current, new);
(gdb) list
173     static int tcmpset_32(uint32_t *addr, uint32_t a, uint32_t b)
174     {
175         uint32_t current = tswap32(a);
176         uint32_t new = tswap32(b);
178         return atomic_cmpset_acq_32(addr, current, new);
179     }

(gdb) up
#2  freebsd_rw_unlock (target_addr=4108246528) at 
1264                if (!tcmpset_32(&target_urwlock->rw_state, state, (state  - 
1))) {
(gdb) list
1259                }
1260            }
1261        } else if (TARGET_URWLOCK_READER_COUNT(state) != 0) {
1262            /* decrement reader count */
1263            for (;;) {
1264                if (!tcmpset_32(&target_urwlock->rw_state, state, (state  - 
1))) {
1265                    if (TARGET_URWLOCK_READER_COUNT(state) == 0) {
1266                        unlock_user_struct(target_urwlock,
1267                            target_addr, 1);
1268                            return -TARGET_EPERM;
1269                     }
1270                } else {
1271                    break;
1272                }
1273            }
1274        } else {
1275            unlock_user_struct(target_urwlock, target_addr, 1);
1276            return -TARGET_EPERM;
1277        }

The above loop is where the code is stuck looping, using most of the capacity of
one cpu (as FreeBSD classifies cpus). The value of state is stuck at:

(gdb) print state
$2 = 536870913

I'll note that the loop is inside qemu-arm-atatic, not in the cmake that it
is running.

To show a little more context before the assembler for the routine that ends up
containing that loop:

(gdb) up
#3  0x000000006004ab33 in do_freebsd__umtx_op (obj=<optimized out>, 
op=536870912, val=<optimized out>, uaddr=<optimized out>, 
target_time=<optimized out>)
474             ret = freebsd_rw_unlock(obj);
(gdb) list
469                 ret = freebsd_rw_wrlock(obj, val, 0, NULL);
470             }
471             break;
473         case TARGET_UMTX_OP_RW_UNLOCK:
474             ret = freebsd_rw_unlock(obj);
475             break;
477     #if defined(__FreeBSD_version) && __FreeBSD_version > 900000
478     #ifdef UMTX_OP_MUTEX_WAKE2

(gdb) up
#4  0x0000000060041b83 in do_freebsd_syscall (cpu_env=0x86159b118, num=454, 
arg1=<optimized out>, arg2=<optimized out>, arg3=<optimized out>, arg4=0, 
arg5=0, arg6=-184411592, arg7=-199471616, 
    arg8=-1622188640) at 
1364            ret = do_freebsd__umtx_op(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
(gdb) list
1359            ret = do_freebsd__umtx_unlock(arg1);
1360            break;
1361    #endif
1363        case TARGET_FREEBSD_NR__umtx_op: /* undocumented */
1364            ret = do_freebsd__umtx_op(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
1365            break;
1367            /*
1368             * ioctl(2)

As for the assembler level view for the routine containing the
loop (via inlining and such):

Dump of assembler code for function freebsd_rw_unlock:
   0x0000000060051bd0 <+0>:     push   %rbp
   0x0000000060051bd1 <+1>:     mov    %rsp,%rbp
   0x0000000060051bd4 <+4>:     push   %rbx
   0x0000000060051bd5 <+5>:     push   %rax
   0x0000000060051bd6 <+6>:     mov    %edi,%ebx
   0x0000000060051bd8 <+8>:     mov    $0x20,%esi
   0x0000000060051bdd <+13>:    mov    $0x3,%edx
   0x0000000060051be2 <+18>:    callq  0x60036b70 <page_check_range>
   0x0000000060051be7 <+23>:    mov    %eax,%ecx
   0x0000000060051be9 <+25>:    mov    $0xfffffff2,%eax
   0x0000000060051bee <+30>:    test   %ecx,%ecx
   0x0000000060051bf0 <+32>:    jne    0x60051c50 <freebsd_rw_unlock+128>
   0x0000000060051bf2 <+34>:    mov    %ebx,%edi
   0x0000000060051bf4 <+36>:    add    0x26a6355(%rip),%rdi        # 0x626f7f50 
   0x0000000060051bfb <+43>:    je     0x60051c50 <freebsd_rw_unlock+128>
   0x0000000060051bfd <+45>:    mov    (%rdi),%ecx
   0x0000000060051bff <+47>:    mov    0x4(%rdi),%edx
   0x0000000060051c02 <+50>:    test   %ecx,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c04 <+52>:    js     0x60051c30 <freebsd_rw_unlock+96>
   0x0000000060051c06 <+54>:    test   $0x1fffffff,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c0c <+60>:    je     0x60051c4b <freebsd_rw_unlock+123>
   0x0000000060051c0e <+62>:    lea    -0x1(%rcx),%esi
   0x0000000060051c11 <+65>:    nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
   0x0000000060051c1b <+75>:    nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
NOTE: loop is below:
   0x0000000060051c20 <+80>:    mov    %ecx,%eax
=> 0x0000000060051c22 <+82>:    lock cmpxchg %esi,(%rdi)
   0x0000000060051c26 <+86>:    sete   %bl
   0x0000000060051c29 <+89>:    test   %bl,%bl
   0x0000000060051c2b <+91>:    je     0x60051c20 <freebsd_rw_unlock+80>
Note: loop is above
   0x0000000060051c2d <+93>:    jmp    0x60051c57 <freebsd_rw_unlock+135>
   0x0000000060051c2f <+95>:    nop
   0x0000000060051c30 <+96>:    mov    %ecx,%esi
   0x0000000060051c32 <+98>:    and    $0x7fffffff,%esi
   0x0000000060051c38 <+104>:   mov    %ecx,%eax
   0x0000000060051c3a <+106>:   lock cmpxchg %esi,(%rdi)
   0x0000000060051c3e <+110>:   sete   %bl
   0x0000000060051c41 <+113>:   test   %bl,%bl
   0x0000000060051c43 <+115>:   jne    0x60051c57 <freebsd_rw_unlock+135>
   0x0000000060051c45 <+117>:   mov    (%rdi),%ecx
   0x0000000060051c47 <+119>:   test   %ecx,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c49 <+121>:   js     0x60051c30 <freebsd_rw_unlock+96>
   0x0000000060051c4b <+123>:   mov    $0xffffffff,%eax
   0x0000000060051c50 <+128>:   add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000060051c54 <+132>:   pop    %rbx
   0x0000000060051c55 <+133>:   pop    %rbp
   0x0000000060051c56 <+134>:   retq   
   0x0000000060051c57 <+135>:   test   $0x2,%dl
   0x0000000060051c5a <+138>:   jne    0x60051c70 <freebsd_rw_unlock+160>
   0x0000000060051c5c <+140>:   test   $0x40000000,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c62 <+146>:   jne    0x60051c82 <freebsd_rw_unlock+178>
   0x0000000060051c64 <+148>:   xor    %eax,%eax
   0x0000000060051c66 <+150>:   test   $0x20000000,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c6c <+156>:   je     0x60051c50 <freebsd_rw_unlock+128>
   0x0000000060051c6e <+158>:   jmp    0x60051c89 <freebsd_rw_unlock+185>
   0x0000000060051c70 <+160>:   test   $0x20000000,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c76 <+166>:   jne    0x60051c89 <freebsd_rw_unlock+185>
   0x0000000060051c78 <+168>:   xor    %eax,%eax
   0x0000000060051c7a <+170>:   test   $0x40000000,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c80 <+176>:   je     0x60051c50 <freebsd_rw_unlock+128>
   0x0000000060051c82 <+178>:   mov    $0x1,%edx
   0x0000000060051c87 <+183>:   jmp    0x60051c8e <freebsd_rw_unlock+190>
   0x0000000060051c89 <+185>:   mov    $0x7fffffff,%edx
   0x0000000060051c8e <+190>:   mov    $0x3,%esi
   0x0000000060051c93 <+195>:   xor    %ecx,%ecx
   0x0000000060051c95 <+197>:   xor    %r8d,%r8d
   0x0000000060051c98 <+200>:   callq  0x601b5970 <_umtx_op>
   0x0000000060051c9d <+205>:   mov    %eax,%edi
   0x0000000060051c9f <+207>:   add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000060051ca3 <+211>:   pop    %rbx
   0x0000000060051ca4 <+212>:   pop    %rbp
--Type <RET> for more, q to quit, c to continue without paging--
   0x0000000060051ca5 <+213>:   jmpq   0x60040a40 <get_errno>
End of assembler dump.

For just before the "lock cmpxchg %esi,(%rdi)" in the loop:

rax            0x20000001          536870913
rbx            0xf4dede00          4108246528
rcx            0x20000001          536870913
rdx            0x2                 2
rsi            0x20000000          536870912
rdi            0xf4dede80          4108246656

(gdb) x 0xf4dede80
0xf4dede80:     0x40000001

   0x0000000060051c20 <+80>:    mov    %ecx,%eax
=> 0x0000000060051c22 <+82>:    lock cmpxchg %esi,(%rdi)
   0x0000000060051c26 <+86>:    sete   %bl
   0x0000000060051c29 <+89>:    test   %bl,%bl
   0x0000000060051c2b <+91>:    je     0x60051c20 <freebsd_rw_unlock+80>

At this point I do not have interpretation of the details, not even
a comparison to the source code.

Mark Millard
marklmi at
( went
away in early 2018-Mar)

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