1. I have got Installation dvd for freebsd 9.0. I've succesfully
installed it in vmware. Now i want to install the packages included in
the dvd. Somehow or the other sysinstall can not mount the dvd. So i
manually mounted it in /mnt and copied the /package folder into
my /root. Now what should i do to install a working gnome2 desktop? if i
give something like pkg_add -vn *, it reports several missing
dependencies. So how should i install it properly without downloading

2. I want to see codes for the base system. During installation i've
selected "source" to be installed. there are sources for "some" packages
in /usr/source but for some i see only Makefiles. How to get these other

3. I alway use git and svn. and i'm not looking forward to learn cvs. I
want my "base" system source tree to be updated through svn. Now does
the sources included in dvd is tracked by svn or cvs? i mean to get the
latest development snapshot for the "base" system should i have to do
something more or i just can do "svn update"?

4. I'm a old linux user, this is infact my first bsd installation but
i'm loving the "way of bsd". Its a wonderful 

"You have a voice"
                                        ----The King's Speech

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