
I have compiled and installed the CUPS package (cups, cups-base, cups-lpr, cups-pstoraster). All went well, I had no errors whatsoever. After, I tried to install (add) my printer with the command # kprinter (Add Printer wizard, under KDE). In spite of the fact that the foomatic-db package is also installed, when I try to install my local printer (on the parallel port), the Printer Model Selection dialog box is empty, and I have no printers in my database.
It would be of great help for me if you could give me a hint how to solve the problem, because I can not use my printer under FreeBSD at all. I'm using FreeBSD 5.1 at home, but I have the same problems at office, where I use FreeBSD 4.8.
Thank you very much and excuse me for the trouble I'm causing.

Best regards,
Bogdan M.

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