I'm having no luck getting my Aironet 350 card to authenticate via LEAP at
my worksite. I'm using a Dell Latitude C600 running 4.7-STABLE ( upgraded
as recently as Dec 2002 ). 

The same hardware utilizing Windoze and the Cisco ACU tools works 
without any trouble, and I can use the Aironet card under FreeBSD for
non-LEAP access points just fine.

For non-leap sites I usually use something like:
    ifconfig an0 ssid MYSSID wepmode mixed nwkey 1:(key)
    ifconfig an0 ssid tmobile

then just run "dhclient an0" and I'm off and running.

Unfortunately, when I try:
   ifconfig an0 ssid WORKSSID
   ancontrol -i an0 MYACCOUNT
   Passowrd: MYPASS

It hangs for a minute or two and finally reports that it can't authenticate.

Any hints, folks? I'll try to remember to grab some ancontrol status
snapshots next time I'm down there, but in the meantime I'm open to any

Many thanks in advance!

- jarv

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