SH Core Dumps

2003-09-02 Thread Kim Needham
Im running 5.1-RELEASE-p2 which I updated last sunday. While I was rebuilding some of the packages, /bin/sh seems to randomly core dump, which is causing many things not to compile correctly. Is this a known problem? I generally get a signal 4, though occasionally a signal 11 when it fails. Any

Laptop Problems

2003-08-30 Thread Kim Needham
I recently got a new Asus laptop. I went to place FreeBSD 4.8 on it, but it kept hanging on detecting the HDD. So I tried 5.1 instead which installed fine. I have run into several problems with the hardware. The first is that the 3 Com Gigabit card (from the 3com site it looks like a 3C2000-T) is