Hi all

after about 20/25 installations failure, I think that the best way to solve my 
problem, is writing to you guys

Let me explain the situation:

Processors: 2xXeon 2.4 GHz
Ram: 2 Gbytes
Hard drives: 1x18 GB 320 and 2x73 GB 320 (in hardware controlled RAID 1)
SCSI adapter: Adaptec I20 with RAID controller and 32 Mbytes of internal cache
NIC Cards: 2xIntel Pro 10/100/1000 Server adapter
VGA: Just a 8Megs SVGA

So... I downloaded 2 ISO tracks from Freebsd FTP site, burned on 2 wonderfull Writable 
CD and let's start with installation of
FreeBSD 5.1 on my new mail server described above

During sysinstall, nothing was strange or unusual, the installation process runs up to 
the end without errors or warnings, but
rebooting after installation it return me an "Invalid partition" and... that's it !

Here the partitioning of da0:

da0s1    100 M    /boot
da0s2    2 Gig    SWAP
da0s3    rest of disk (16 Gig ~)
da0s3a    2 Gig    /
da0s3b    2 Gig    /usr
da0s3c    512 M    /tmp
da0s3d    1 Gig    /var/mail
da0s3d    3 Gig    /var/log
da0s3d    6.9 Gig    /var/spool

Here the partitioning of da1:

da1s1    73 Gig    /m

Can somebody try to help me in someway ?

There is no way to boot the server with free bsd 5.1

Thanks and have a nice boot :)

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