XFCE keyboard layout tab missing

2012-01-26 Thread Neil Munro
Hi all, first I apologise if this is a known issue, I have been searching but can't seem to find an answer. I am looking to switch to FreeBSD full time and this is the only thing holding me back I want to run XFCE and I know the 4.8 release has some issues with mounting devices which used to use

Aurora Theme Engine

2007-11-02 Thread Neil Munro
Hi, I have found that my favorite gnome theme engine is not in the ports, I have discovered all that needs to be modified to make it work under FreeBSD, what do I do to get it into the ports (who do I pass it onto etc?). The theme in question is here:

Firefox crashing

2007-10-29 Thread Neil Munro
Hey, I have recently gotten FreeBSD working for the first time ever. I am very happy with it, however there are a few things I have having trouble getting to work, firefox is my main issue atm, it got installed along with Gnome 2.20 as you would expect however when I tried to run it nothing