Hoping that the gods are with me and that you knowledgeable people can
assist me with this _really_ big screw up...


I was setting up Vinum (rather successfully I might add) until last when
I tried to configure a second mirror with two different drives...

All I can tell you is this...

I had one vinum mirror set-up with this info:

drive da3 device /dev/da3s1e
drive da4 device /dev/da4s1e
volume mirror setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 0 drive da3
plex org concat
sd length 0 drive da4

Working fine. I moved /usr to that mirror and edited /etc/fstab to point
/usr to this new mirror -- which worked fine. Then I wanted to set-up
another mirror on another two drives, so I
(stupidly) changed that vinum.conf to the following:

drive da3 device /dev/da3s1e
drive da4 device /dev/da4s1e
drive da1 device /dev/da1s1e
drive da2 device /dev/da2s1e
volume mirror setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 0 drive da3
plex org concat
sd length 0 drive da4
volume mirror1 setupstate
plex org concat
sd length 0 drive da1
plex org concat
sd length 0 drive da2

And started vinum and used the create -f command.

Then there was an error, something about no space on one of the devices
(presumably, the device where the mirror was already working). Next
thing I know there's a kernel panic or something that stops the system.
If I reboot, the kernel panics with a "fatal trap 12: page fault while
in kernel mode" message... Vinum sais that a device is not functioning
properly and can't 'sync' the devices...

I can't figure a way around this. The /usr (and binaries) are not
accessible, neither is my data. I can't start the system. I'm hoping you
can help...

(Wish I spent the 10 minutes and made that 'one last backup')

All I'd like to do is reverse that last vinum configuration... but I
can't get to any of the binaries because /usr is offline. I don't mind
re-building the system, but I moved my last back-up to that first mirror
(which I thought would be safe) and now I don't have access to it.

Signed 'having a rough day',


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