i'm new to FreeBSD (5.1 from CD set) and grateful for it.

i've installed one machine no problems but on another a suspect
ethernet interface has developed.  It's an Asus p4p800 motherboard
with 3C940 on the board.  (i'm suspect of this much integration)

At first, messing with Debian and Suse, the card worked fine.
When i sent to  installing FreeBSD no card was detected
by sysinstall->Configure->Networking->Interfaces.
Shouldn't it show up there?
ifconfig doesn't see it.
(i don't know how else to look for it)

I plugged in another reportedly good ethernet card into a 
PCI slot and no kernel probe detection there either, 
but do get a green (carrier ?) light, 
but no green light  on the motherboard NIC.

i've googled for 3C940 diagnostics.
don't know what to do next.
thanks for your group and any help.........


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