On 6/19/05, Gerard Seibert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am attempting to get Apache to work on my computer. My ISM only supplies
> me with a dynamic IP as well as blocking of port 80. I am using DynDNS to
> try and circumvent that situation.
Basically, DynDNS only give you a free internat hostname, nothing more.
So it won't help you resolve the 80 blocking issue.

Though I think it is rare an ISP will blocking 80 port, but if this is
the case,
you can modify apache configuration file to use different port number.

In httpd.conf file, find the line "Listen 80" and replace 80 to
another number.(ex 81)
then in your browser, http://blahblah.dyndns.org:81/


> My knowledge of how to accomplish this quite frankly stinks. Even using a
> copy of O'Reilly's Apache has not helped me much.
> If anyone has a similar type of setup, I would appreciate them contacting
> me directly. I can supply all of my configuration files for them to look
> at. I am probably just doing something really stupid but I lack the
> knowledge to figure it out on my own.
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