Hello Family,

I'm running Server version: Apache/1.3.23 (Unix) and things were
working fine with all my virtual servers till I added a
.htaccess file to one of my NON virtual host directories.

In order to get the challenge to work I had to edit the main
stanza to:

        AllowOverride All

When the challenge works, none of the virtual hosts work.  When
I change the following to:

        AllowOverride None

All the webpages and subdirectories work but the .htaccess
challenge does not work for the directory in my NON virtual

I've tried setting the above to:

"Options", "FileInfo", "AuthConfig", and "Limit" and the virtual
hosts will not work.

Any help here is greatly appreciated, I've searched GOOGLE for
quite some time with different params and found nothing on this.

Bill Schoolcraft
PO Box 210076
San Francisco CA 94121

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