At 10:27 AM -0400 10/3/03, Jerry McAllister wrote:

 > I am wondering how I might go about connecting to an AFS cell
 > on my FreeBSD 4.8 system.  Any input would be helpful.

Currently, as far as I know, there is no version of AFS
client available for FreeBSD although I keep hearing about
openAFS coming.    I wish it would.   We use AFS here and
so have to use something besides FreeBSD on those systems
that need AFS access - unfortunately.

For 4.x systems, you might be able to use the ARLA port. It's an afs-compatible client. I *think* it works under the 4.x-branch, but I have never tried it.

But, I suppose creating a complete OpenAFS has ...

If someone has any more encouraging information than this,
please post it and indicate where this can best be tracked.

All that the OpenAFS client needs is more developers who have time to work on it. Recently Garrett Wollman has started to work on getting OpenAFS to work on freebsd 5.x. He is hoping that he won't break the progress which has been made on the openafs client for freebsd-4.x, but he does not have a lot of 4.x systems to test on, and he needs to concentrate on 5.x.

The openafs project has a web site at

Recently a request went out to the openafs-info mailing list,
for people to help test Garrett's changes on the 4.x branch.
Ie, to take his changes for 5.x, and test those changes on
4.x to make sure that patches needed for 5.x will not cause
problems for 4.x.

There is also a openafs mailing list for the port of openafs
to freebsd.

So, Check:

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  • AFS bjgehrs
    • Re: AFS Jerry McAllister
      • Garance A Drosihn

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