        I have read through the 21.4 section of the Handbook to try
and figure this out, but have not been able to completely fix my box:
        I recently decided to reorganize my disks in my Athlon/IDE
FreeBSD4.7 system.  I removed the primary master disk, since it was all
Windows, and changed the remaining FreeBSD disk to be the master.  This
of course changed the target of the disk.  I was able to boot the fixit
disk and remake the ad0s1* partitions, which were / /var and /usr, however
my swap and 2 other large partitions were ad1s3b, ad1s2e and ad1s4e
respectively, and I cannot get my system to remake them, even with
MAKEDEV ad0s2|s3|s4 etc....  All that it shows is ad0s2, s3, s4 without
any slices in the /dev directory.  From the address, I think I could
predict/manually make the devices, but I'm not sure how to do it.
        Does anyone have any ideas?  fdisk sees the other partitions
inside FBSD.


Laurent Delfosse
            "Do or do not, there is no try." -Yoda

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