Hey all.  I've got a 5.3-BETA7 box here that is acting as a NIS master,
supporting a mixture of clients.  Lowest common denominator, as usual,
is DES.

Steps I took:

    o  Enabled the 'des_users' class in login.conf.
    o  Ran cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf.
    o  Changed the login class for the users I want to have DES passwords for
       in the password file.
    o  Updated the password for the user with passwd.

shell ~ > sudo grep mahlon /etc/master.passwd
mahlon:$1...:1001:1000:des_users:0:0:Mahlon Smith:/home/mahlon:/bin/tcsh

It is still an md5 password.  Did I miss a step somewhere along the way,
or was something changed since 4.10 that I didn't catch?  (I seem to
recall nothing additional being required in 4.x.)


Mahlon E. Smith                      jabber id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://www.martini.nu/             get pgp key:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    One of the best examples of democracy in action is a lynch mob.

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