I'm cross posting this incase anyone knows the answer.

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Hello List,

  I was using darkice to write a [file] to a named pipe.  This functioned
on linux but on FreeBSD 6.1 darkice fails to use the fifo as a file.  Is
this a darkice issue?  Or have I done something wrong in FreeBSD land?

-Jason Ellison

alpha# /usr/local/bin/darkice -c /usr/local/etc/darkice.cfg
DarkIce 0.17 live audio streamer, http://darkice.sourceforge.net
Copyright (c) 2000-2006, Tyrell Hungary, http://tyrell.hu

Using config file: /usr/local/etc/darkice.cfg
Using OSS DSP input device: /dev/dsp2
Using POSIX real-time scheduling, priority 30
DarkIce: DarkIce.cpp:1100: can't open connector [0]

# cat /usr/local/etc/darkice.cfg
duration        = 0        # duration of encoding, in seconds. 0 means
bufferSecs      = 5         # size of internal slip buffer, in seconds
reconnect       = yes       # reconnect to the server(s) if disconnected
<!-- realtime        = yes -->

device          = /dev/dsp2  # OSS DSP soundcard device for the audio
sampleRate      = 44100     # sample rate in Hz. try 11025, 22050 or 44100
bitsPerSample   = 16        # bits per sample. try 16
channel         = 2         # channels. 1 = mono, 2 = stereo

bitrateMode     = cbr
format          = mp2
bitrate         = 160
<-- quality         = 0.8 -->
fileName        = /tmp/stream.fifo
samplerate      = 44100
highpass        = -1
lowpass         = -1

# ls -l /tmp/stream.fifo
prw-rw-rw-  1 root  wheel  0 May 24 16:03 /tmp/stream.fifo
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