I'm building a machine with 2 nic's. They will be on seperate subnets, and
in the long run both will have fixed addresses.

However at the moment I've set one of these up for dhcp. The fixed addres
NIC should be the one thta has the default route associated with it, and I
have a defaultrouter= statement in /etc/rc.conf. However, when i boot the
machine netstat shows that teh dhcp interface has aquired the default

How can I correct this?

I tried adding "supersede routersxxx.xxx.xxx.xx" in /etc/dhclient.conf, but
this does not seem to work.

The machine is 4STABLE, if thta matters.


"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin

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"They that would give up essential liberty for temporary safety deserve
neither liberty nor safety."
                                                -- Benjamin Franklin
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