Thought you might find this interesting and, hopefully helpful Subscriber.

Another article written by our CEO, Sanjay Bhatia.

High Performance Custom Fields for Multi-Tenant SaaS Architectures

This article shows a simple way to give applications with [1]multi-tenant
architectures the ability to add custom fields while keeping the performance,
type safety and [2]reporting capabilities of the relational model and SQL

SaaS Takes Over the ASP Model

In the late 90's application service providers started leveraging the
availability of abundant bandwidth and the popularity of the web to deliver
applications in an [3]ASP model. Essentially the application would be hosted on
a shared server and managed by the ASP.  While this was a step in the right
direction, there were still significant challenges with this approach.  These
models evolved into what is now knows as Software as a Service or [4]SaaS.
SaaS architectures introduced multi-tenancy which allowed pools of high powered
resources to be shared in a different way.  Rather than customers having their
own web server and database, a shared infrastructure served dozens or sometimes
thousands of customers.

The Customization Requirement

Businesses generally need some level of customization for all their software.
The most common need is to store information that is specific to that business,
but may not be something every single customer needs to have. For instance, we
are a [5] customer. For all our leads, we track the download date
so when know when a lead has [6]downloaded a trial of our [7]self-service
reporting product for evaluation purposes. Since most [8]
customers do not have downloadable trials, it would not make sense for them add
this just for us. If you did that in a multi-tenant environment, you'd quickly
end up with a data architecture that is unwieldy from a maintenance
perspective. Instead, salesforce let's us add custom fields that are relevant
to us. They've done a great job of engineering the system so the custom fields
work pretty much like a stock field that the system ships with. If you are
working on a SaaS application, you will likely run into the same scenario.

Inevitably, customers needed the ability to extend the applications. Since
there was a shared code base and schema, vendors needed to find a way to
deliver this functionality without changing the database schema which was
shared across all customers.  Two main approaches became popular.

Two Popular Methods

Method Description Advantages Disadvantages
[9]Entity Attribute Value(EAV) This method uses name-value pairs Single
universal  schema across all tenants.

Eliminates all advantages of using a relational database.
Special Code must be written to access the data.
Significant performance and scalability problems with large data sets or
objects with a large number of fields.
Reporting becomes nearly impossible
Custom Joined Table This method adds a secondary table per tenant and which
will be joined.

Relatively high performance
Retains the benefits of SQL technology

Does not scale to a large number of tenants.
The number of custom tables becomes impossible to manage and administer.
The application schema must change at run time.

There Is A Better Way

One way to retain all the benefits of the relational model without adding lots
of customer-specific tables is to use a single, generic table to store the data
and a second table to map it to customer specific fields.  Since databases
optimize types differently, we will create a set of columns for each time. Note
that under this approach we do have a limit to the number of maximum fields
there are. For extrely large systems, you may want to break each type up into a
separate table.

Create script for custom fields table.
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomFields](
[TenantID] [int],
[TableName] [varchar](50),
[EntityID] [int],
[Int1] [int] NULL,
[Int2] [int] NULL,
[Int3] [int] NULL,
[String1] [varchar](50) NULL,
[String2] [varchar](50) NULL,
[String3] [varchar](50) NULL,
[DateTime1] [datetime] NULL,
[DateTime2] [datetime] NULL,
[DateTime3] [datetime] NULL

This table will store the actual data. The TenantID field locks the data to
that particular account or customer in a multi-tenant system with a shared
database. TableName represents the name of the table where the entity is
stored. The EntityID is the primary key of whatever object this links to. The
rest of the fields store actual data based on the type of the field. So if we
just created a Lead in our [10]CRM system and needed to record a download date
as a custom field our insert would look something like this.
INSERT INTO CustomFields(
VALUES (1,'Leads',1,'08/18/2010')
To retrieve the data we would do a LEFT JOIN. This lets us retrieve any
custom fields.

LEFT JOIN CustomFields ON
AND TableName='Leads' AND EntityID=LeadID

Next we need the ability to map or alias the name into a more meaningful
label. We would do this in the user interface or reporting tool [11]dynamically
To do so we'd need to store the "metadata" whenever a custom field is created.
Here's what our tracking table looks like.

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomFieldNames](
[TenantID] [int] NULL,
[TableName] [varchar](50) NULL,
[FieldIndex] [int] NULL,
[Type] [varchar](50) NULL,
[Label] [varchar](50) NULL

To setup our "Download Date" field, we would use an insert like this the first
time the field is setup.
INSERT INTO CustomFieldNames(
VALUES (1,'Leads',1,'datetime','Download Date')

Essentially this would map to DateTime1 and the application UI or [12]reporting
tool would [13]alias the field name dynamically based on which tenant the user
belonged to.


We now have the entire data architecture capable of storing custom fields for
our multi-tenant application. Each customer can have their own set of custom
fields. Best of all, we keep all the benefits of the relational model and can
plug this directly into a reporting tool like Izenda. The only overhead is a
single join and adding an index will remove most of that.

Could you use a better Ad Hoc Reporting platform?

To download a fully-functional version of Izenda Reports and Dashboards
[14]click here.

(C)opywrite 2010 Izenda LLC


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