[ FreeBSD 4.6-RC2 ]

Hello, I have been running Freebsd on several servers here for the past 7 years and just 1 month ago the Raid1 mirror broke for no apparent reason. After trying every possible method to fix this machine I went and purchased a brand new A7V333 Motherboard ( the exact same motherboard that was in it before ), 2 new hard drives, new power supply, CPU, etc... so the machine is now 100% brand new to weed out any additional questions of a hardware failure only to find that the same exact thing is happening. I can boot the machine and create the arrays as they should be created and everything runs just fine for approximately 10-15 hours and then whammo, the message below appears:

ad4: WRITE command timeout tag=0 serv=0 - resetting
ata2: resetting device
ad4: removed from configuration
ar0: WARNING - mirror lost
ad4: deleted from ar0 disk0

The machine continues to run, however it is only functioning on one drive and the mirror is lost!

I have other machines running with the exact same hardware, etc.. from years ago that are still pumping away perfectly but the new motherboard / hardware is failing the system.

Any ideas? Can someone possibly help out here...

It would be greatly appreciated -- Thank you in advance!

Ethan Akins

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