Is there any documentation specifically for HAL on FreeBSD? DBUS is working great, hald and policy kit are enabled in rc.conf. I see devices listed under my computer. But I'm not sure how to mount them correctly.

I know it's a stupid thing to ask, but do I still need a mount point in fstab? It seems I do. And when mounting a USB key, how come it will mount once, but will not mount a second or third time after it has been unplugged?

Also, is there any reason my system would be freezing up hard while it scans the sd slots on my printer? It seems the machine freezes (as in nothing new can happen), but I can still switch from one window to another. If I drop to console CTL-ALT-F1, I can see it scanning the printer sd slots over and over and failing... after a bit the system returns to normal... and everything I've clicked to that point opens or runs.

Finally does metacity actually support compositor on FreeBSD? I've tried to add the "eye candy", but have had no luck at all compiling metacity with the --enable-compositor flag. I do however see the compositor options in gnome config.
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