I get the first 25, and the "next page" gives an error, "contact the
mailman admin."

You cannot initiate a new search from the results page, either, same error.

I was searching the archives (trying to, anyway) to avoid subbing to yet
another List to resolve my FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE issue at startup.  Googling
gets me nowhere, so, one more list it is.

I'm noew to BSD, but have been up to my ears in various other flavours of
Unix and Linux for several years.

There are two problems, might be related, might not.  The biggest one, and
the one that is drive-me-crazy, take an axe to the box frustrating involves:

Before anyone pops up with the perennial "RTFM,"   be aware that I have
ALREADY read the fscking manual.  Thoroughly.  I have also searched
archives, dug around in the file system, and asked some other knowledgeable
people who have used FreeBSD for a while.  I'm just attempting to switch
this one box off of Linux to FreeBSD to see if it will be more stable and
more secure.  All I need is this one to work, and to figure out the
differences, and I might switch a whole lot of other systems over, too.  It
all depends on the outcome of this one.

The problem I am having starts with:

"Entropy Device is Blocking"

Whose great idea was this one, anyway?  I'm all about security, believe me.
 I have a Master's in IT, and my specialization was (you guessed it)
Information Security.  From all that book-larnin', one thing stands out.
If you make SECURITY interfere with GETTING THE BLOODY JOB DONE, security
will be the first thing tossed out the window.

Somebody open that window for me, would you?  I'm about to toss something
out of it.

At boot, everything basically fails because of the lack of entropy.  I have
modified files to give various IRQ's for entropy generation.  I have read
and searched (and had search engine failures), trying to find out more
information on the problem and how to resolve it.  No luck thus far.

Can anyone give me the pointer to the piece of the fscking manual that
tells me how to configure this beast to save a seed at shutdown and then
use that seed file at startup instead of just dying and leaving me with a
system that is half-booted, or failing that simple request, how to work
"preseedrandom" into the system startup so that it will happen BEFORE
entropy is required?

Once this is fixed, there is another problem, a really weird one, but it
might go away when this prng failure does, so it will have to wait.  I need
to be able to get a bootable system without all the foolishness of seeding
the random number systems.first.  Mount failures for one slice of a RAID
array that are resolved by a dismount and a remount will have to wait for

wes will

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