When I mount FAT disk all such files cause 'ls' to produce messages like this:
ls: WS???????.WMA: Invalid argument

I found online that I should use command:
mount_msdosfs -D cp936 -L zh_CN.UTF-8 /dev/device /path/to/folder
but it doesn't work either.

Handbook (http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en/books/handbook/lang-setup.html) mentions that in order to be able to see Russian file names fstab has to contain this:

/dev/ad0s2      /dos/c  msdos   rw,-Wkoi2dos,-Lru_RU.KOI8-R 0 0

But what about Chinese file names?

And how come different locales require different commands to mount?
What if file system will have both Chinese and Russian file names?

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