When setting up IPsec at my home using FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE and
racoon-20040408a, I came across a problem with IPv6 and IPsec.

First, here is the relevant information about my setup.

I have two computers in my network, each assigned a global unicast
address (do not worry about my abuse of these unicast addresses, my
network is completely isolated from the Internet):

Computer A is assigned 2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709, and
Computer B is assigned 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1

Both computers runs a 4.10-RELEASE kernel compiled with:

options INET
options INET6
options IPSEC
options IPSEC_ESP

Both computers use racoon-20040408a, installed as a precompiled package,
for dynamical keying.

The racoon.conf on both computers looks like this:

path include "/etc/racoon";
path pre_shared_key "/etc/racoon/pre_shared_keys";

timer {
        counter 20;
        interval 25 sec;
        phase1 20 sec;
        phase2 20 sec;

remote anonymous {
        exchange_mode main,aggressive,base;
        doi ipsec_doi;
        situation identity_only;
        my_identifier address;
        lifetime time 1 hour;
        initial_contact on;
        passive off;
        proposal_check obey;
        send_cert off;
        send_cr off;
        verify_cert off;

        proposal {
                encryption_algorithm blowfish;
                hash_algorithm sha1;
                authentication_method pre_shared_key;
                dh_group 2;

sainfo anonymous {
        pfs_group 2;
        lifetime time 30 min;
        encryption_algorithm blowfish 448,rijndael 256,cast128,3des;
        authentication_algorithm hmac_sha1,hmac_md5;
        compression_algorithm deflate;

I have trimmed the IPsec policy rules down to these ones (taken from
computer A):

# Flush the entries.

# ISAKMP between computers A and B may use ESP and AH.
spdadd 2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709[500] 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1[500]  
udp -P out ipsec esp/transport//use ah/transport//use;
spdadd 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1[500]  2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709[500] 
udp -P in  ipsec esp/transport//use ah/transport//use;

# Any other traffic between computers A and B must use ESP and AH.
spdadd 2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1  any -P out 
ipsec esp/transport//require ah/transport//require;
spdadd 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1  2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709 any -P in  
ipsec esp/transport//require ah/transport//require;

The policy rules on computer B corresponds to the ones above.
Similar policy rules for IPv4 works like a dream on my network, so why
does not it work for IPv6?

With the policy rules above in effect, racoon on both computers uses
almost infinite time when attempting to negotiate the keying for IPv6.
I.e., racoon is getting nowhere when it tries to initiate phase 1, and
racoon on neither computer seems to care of or even receive the
replies from each other. There are no firewalls between my computers,
nor does any of my computers run a firewall.

Contrast the above with these policy rules in effect:

# Flush the entries.

# Traffic between computers A and B may use ESP and AH.
spdadd 2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1  any -P out 
ipsec esp/transport//use ah/transport//use;
spdadd 2001:0:2:3:260:8ff:fe7f:68b1  2001:0:2:3:20a:5eff:fe47:9709 any -P in  
ipsec esp/transport//use ah/transport//use;

It seems that phase 1 completes when I do not force the use of IPsec.

Should I specify "require" in my IPv6 policy rules and include policy
rules that allow IPv6 ISAKMP to pass unencrypted, phase 1 never
succeeds when the computer has just rebooted.

Should I boot the computer with "use" in the IPv6 policy rules and
later change "use" to "require" while racoon is running, phase 1 has
already completed so all that remains is phase 2. In this case there
are obviously no need for the special ISAKMP policy rules.

Once phase 1 is done, phase 2 completes independently on whether I
specify "use" or "require" in the policy rules. And strangely enough,
this only happens with IPv6. As I said before, IPv4 with IPsec works
like a charm, even with "require" and the special ISAKMP policy rules.

Personally, I can live with "use" instead of "require" in my IPv6
policy rules, but it is unbearable for environments where this is not

Hopefully someone will look into this matter and possibly fix it.
Please contact me if I have left out any details you need to know.

Trond Endrestøl                          |    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Patron of The Art of Computer Programming|   FreeBSD 4.8-S & Pine 4.55
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