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happy customer What our happy customer says: happy customer Tips of the day:

"We like to thank you for your remarkable services and assistant to help us to grow our online business. Before we run our promotion/advertise in Lelong, our business no really doing so well and business volume is very small and inconsistent.

However after we run our promotion in we can see remarkable improvement. Customer confidence to purchase product from us via Lelong and at the same time customer also been introduced to our company website. Now the customer is comfortable to order and re-order from us, and very frequent too.

Currently 40% of our sales channel from, we love to see more and more new feature from Lelong that can plugin into our store and can make the purchase process become more and more simplified.

Keep on the good job."

Jack Lee (Malaysia First Online Hardware Store)
special promotions 7 Reasons to Start an E-Commerce Business (Part Time or Full Time)

Owning a business can be emotionally fulfilling and financial enriching. Tens of thousands of new ventures are started each year. E-Commerce businesses frequently require less capital and less time to start than brick and mortal retail or services operation. So why not get going?

Certainly starting an online business is not without its trials and pitfalls. But for every reason someone could name not to start a new ecommerce-based business, there are plenty of good reasons to go ahead. What follows is a simple list of seven reasons to start an ecommerce business.

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May 2012 ( Damansara Campus)

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Our Education Tour to Penang on 5 - 6 May 2012!

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