Well I shoulda searched better. But building it correctly just gets me to the next error. I have a work around but am quite lost at this point.

In my case the answer for building apache was RTFMF. But it was also posted in response to the same question for apache 2, for 1.3 it is:


If anyone else has a similiar problem there us a great post on Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 from Drew Tomlinson.

However configuring it properly is another issue. Apparently when done wrong there are no error messages. At this point I know suexec is incorrectly configured for my setup. httpd runs as user apache uid=1001, gid=1001, and cgi files must be in a subdirectory of ~user/htdocs. Not knowing how to do this on the make line, I edited the top level Makefile as follows:


This put the values I intended into the build make file:

 #   suexec details (optional)
 suexec          = 1
 suexec_caller   = apache
 suexec_docroot  = /usr/local/www/data
 suexec_logexec  = /var/log/httpd-suexec.log
 suexec_userdir  = htdocs
 suexec_uidmin   = 1001
 suexec_gidmin   = 1001
 suexec_safepath = /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin
 suexec_umask    =

Running a CGI under suexec gets the generic internal error message without anything being logged into httpd-error.log, suexec_log, or error.log for the virtual user being tested.

If I overlay suexec with the one from the 4.9 system I am trying to upgrade, it all works. I am running httpd from the 4.9 system with the LoadModule list from the genrated system. Again thanks for any thoughts.

On Tue, 5 Sep 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I know I am missing something simple, but I can not get the sbin/suexec wrapper
to compile building apache 1.3 on a 5.5 system. My last attempt was to remove
everything and then do:

 make fetch
 make extract
 ./configure --enable-suexec --suexec-caller=apache
 make install

This install works fine but /usr/local/sbin/suexec is not compiled and using cgi
give an SuExec wrapper not installed messages. My apache setup is otherwise
okay. I can get SuExec working by copying the missing module from a 4.9 system
along with one other missing module. thanks for any ideas.

Douglas Denault
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