The PureFTPD website is dead.
I was hoping someone here might be able to help me.

I am fed up with PureFTPD.
It never wants to respect my need to add more virtual users!


# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ stop

# pure-pw useradd haha -u www -d /usr/local/www/haha -f pure-ftpd.passwd
# pure-pw mkdb pure-ftpd.pdb -f pure-ftpd.passwd

# /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start

This is fucked up.

User "amin" was once in my pure-ftpd.passwd / pure-ftpd.pdb, but I removed him.
Now I needed to readd him. But that was easier said than done.
I just spent an entire hour adding, removing, adding and removing him.

No matter what I did, whether I placed his user line at the top, in the middle
or at the bottom of pure-ftpd.passwd his authentication failed.

This happens almost every time I want to add a user.
I find it to be, well, fucked up.

So what I ended up doing was to change his username to "amine".
Only then it worked.

What's going on?

All the best,

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