Hello Bjorn,

Monday, January 19, 2004, 11:05:49 PM, you wrote:

>> I have a three ethernet adapter and need to bridge two of them
>> (like an Ethernet switch but with firewall)
>> But i have a some problem...
>> When i enter
>> # sysctl net.link.ether.bridge_cfg=lnc0:0,lnc1:0
>> i saw next:
>>>> now lnc0 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
>>>> now lnc0 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
>>>> now lnc1 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
>>>> now lnc1 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
>>>> now lnc2 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
>>>> now lnc2 promisc ON if_flags 0xffff8943 bdg_flags 0x5
>> What is it means?
>> When i try ping from net1 to net2 that's don't work...
>> Please help, give me advice

BE> It means that the network cards are entering promiscous mode, which in
BE> turn means it will pick all packets that passes its physical layer and
BE> then the bridge code will forward it to the other interface. _however_
BE> lnc2 should not enter promiscous mode if its not a part of the bridge?

BE> Post what version you're using and the rest of your sysctl statements for
BE> the bridge, also is it the kernel module or compiled in kernel?

BE> (Maybe you'll have more luck with this in the freebsd-net list?)

BE> hth,
BE> Bjorn
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I was know about this list from article "How to get best results from
the FreeBSD-questions mailing list" which i find on my freeBSD 4.5
RELISE CD, but i don't know about freebsd-net list... Please tell how
i can subscribe to it.

About bridgin - now it work, i think my misstake was what i'm
configure all ethernet adapter... But it worck only if computer in one
subnet ,like<---><--->
       win98            FreeBSD         win98

And it is necessary to me setup freebsd like:<-----><----->
       net1                       net2
       (20 comp.            FreeBSD                    (4 comp.
       win98)               firewall                    win98/XP)

       computers from net2 must access net1 shared

I was try to forwart all packet from net1 to net2 and from net 2 to net 1
but when i ping a computer it recive packet with field 'from' and it's don't work...
I was try to start routed and setup route table, but still don't

So, maybe, you can tell me how i must to do that correct... Or, maybe, any
link with article or howto's...
I will be very grateful!

Best regards,
 Alex                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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