On Sat, 24 Sep 2005 14:12:59 -0500, Ben Racine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Is this possible? DHCP / DNS related.
Wrote these words of wisdom:

> Well, I have permission to run the server, as I'm a CS major and it's
> an independent project I'm working on,  so that's not a problem.  I
> had already gone to dyndns.com and have a name associated with it that
> way, I was just wondering if there was a way to make some sort of
> end-run on the campus dns and get it listed as a subdomain without
> adding a record in the campus dns.  But it doesn't look like there is 
> Thanks though,
> -Ben Racine
> On 9/24/05, nawcom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I was having the same issue here at where I work at University of
> > Michigan. We had a server that I personally set up for my work there,
> > (static IP), but then we got a new net admin for  the building that
> > changed some stuff - making the server ip dynamic which made the dns
> > record useless. There are ways around this to make it work - but the
> > admin wasn't willing to cooperate.
> >
> > well what im trying to get at in this email is i decided to grab a
> > hostname from no-ip (http://www.no-ip.com) which is a free service that
> > uses a program you install to keep their dns up to date when your ip
> > expires or changes. They have mutiple domains you can pick from, or you
> > can pay them to have your own. (I decided to pick the servebeer.com -
> > http://lsupport.servebeer.com :-P)
> >
> >
> > Ben Racine wrote:
> >
> > >I have recently set up a web server on my college network.  It is
> > >behind  DNS and DHCP servers that are out of my control.  What I would
> > >like to do is be able to associate a name something like
> > >bsdserve.****.edu .  However, I'm fairly new at all this, but from
> > >what I've been able to gather, it seems as though the only way to do
> > >this would be to put a record in the campus DNS which isn't possible.
> > >Any insight?
> > >
> > >Thanks.
> > >
> > >-Ben Racine

On 9/24/2005 3:37:20 PM, Gerard Seibert Replied:

I see that you mentioned 'dynds.com'. Are you using their 'web hop'
service? If so, just create another 'web hop'. That is what I did and it
doesn't cost anything extra.

Gerard Seibert

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