mp3c doesn't seem to rip or encode songs from the cd.  It does see the
cd, it lists the songs on it, but just creates an empty file of every
song with a .mp3 extension that won't play.  I've configured
the .mp3crc config file, which must contain an error somewhere.  Any

# WSPse's MP3-Creator (Configfile)
# automaticly created, but you may edit this file manually.
# [25.07.2005 09:58] - program version: 0.27
# {mp3c-0.27 (NLS) - ENGLISH (Jul 25 2005)}

# version number (to detect updates and inform about news)
mp3c_version = "0.27"

# cdrom-device
cd_dev = "/dev/acd0c"

# CDDB-server [host:port] (more servers maybe seperated by commas)
# use "0" to disable server-access
# note: is not longer usable
cddb_serv = ""

# local CDDB database
cddb_loc = "~/cddb"

# if remote CDDB access is allowed
rem_cddb = 1

# mailadress to which CDDB should be sent (more addresses maybe seperated
# by commas)
cddb_email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

# relaying smtp-server who handle my emails [host:port]
smtp_serv = "localhost:smtp"

# my email adress for authorizing [EMAIL PROTECTED]
my_email = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

# directory for mp3-files
mp3_dir = "/usr/home/vhaistlawloj/mus"

# program for ripping cd-tracks (to file)
#  %1 = cdrom device
#  %2 = track (numeric)
#  %3 = outputfile
rip_nf_prg = "dagrab -o 6 -n 32 -d %1 -f %3 %2"

# program for ripping cd-tracks (to stdout)
#  %1 = cdrom device
#  %2 = track (numeric)
rip_of_prg = " %1 %2"

# program for encoding wav->mp3 (from file to file)
#   %1 = inputfile
#   %2 = outputfile
#   %3 = albumname
#   %4 = MP3 genre by number
#   %5 = year
#   %6 = comment
#   %7 = filename
#   %8 = MP3 genre by name
#   %a = tracknumber
#   %b = tracknumber (with leading zeros)
#   %c = artistname
#   %d = title
enc_nf_prg = "gogo  %1 %2"

# program for encoding wav->mp3 (from stdin to file)
#  %1 = outputfile
#  %3 = albumname
#  %4 = MP3 genre by number
#  %5 = year
#  %6 = comment
#  %7 = filename
#  %8 = MP3 genre by name
#  %a = tracknumber
#  %b = tracknumber (with leading zeros)
#  %c = artistname
#  %d = title
enc_of_prg = "gogo /tmp/mp3 "%1" -b 160"

# program for creating mp3 info
#  use mp3_info_prg = "0" to disable usage of tagprogram
#  %1 = artistname
#  %2 = title
#  %3 = albumname
#  %4 = genre (by number)
#  %5 = year
#  %6 = comment
#  %7 = filename
#  %8 = genre (by name)
#  %a = tracknumber
#  %b = tracknumber (with leading zeros)
mp3_info_prg = "id3tool -r "%1" -t "%2" -a "%3" -y "%5" -g %4 -n "%6" "%7""

# string which replaced %8 in mp3_info_prg, if genre is unknown
unknown_genre = "Unknown"

# size of fifo-buffer for on the fly encoding (KB)
of_fifo = 512

# pattern for mp3-filename-creation
#  %1 = artistname
#  %2 = title
#  %3 = albumname
#  %4 = genrestring
#  %5 = year
#  %6 = tracknumber
#  %7 = tracknumber (with leading zeros)
#  %8 = cddb-id
mp3_pattern = "%7-%2.mp3"

# pattern fro mp3-filename-creation for sampler cds
#  same pattern like in mp3_pattern
mp3_pattern_mix = "%7-%2.mp3"

# mode for handling spaces in filenames
#  0: spaces allowed, 1: spaces will be converted to underscores
#  2: spaces will be killed
pat_mode = 1

# appereance of filename case
#  0: as it is in CDDB entry
#  1: convert to lowercase (first letter will be uppercase if pat_upc = 1
#  2: convert to uppercase
case_chg = 0

# convert first letter of filename to uppercase
#  0: no, 1: yes
pat_upc = 1

# illegal characters which aren't allowed in filenames
# (converted to '_' if mode != 2, else killed
ill_chars = "~[]()!*?""

# what to do with illegal characters, should they be removed?
# (otherwise convert to '_' or space, depending on pat_mode)
#  0: no, use pat_mode, 1: yes, remove
rem_ill_char = 1

# protect pattern from substitution operations?
#  0: no, 1: yes
pattern_protect = 1

# character which should replace slashes in album, artist, title
# (only one character allowed, use "0" to accept slashes in these
   fields, which causes strange directory creation)
slash_rep_char = "-"

# non-strict character handling
# 0: only printable chars allowed, 1: eased allowed chars
eased_char_hand = 0

# default comment for mp3-files
#  %1 = artistname
#  %2 = title
#  %3 = albumname
#  %4 = genrestring
#  %5 = year
#  %6 = tracknumber
#  %7 = tracknumber (with leading zeros)
#  %8 = version-string of MP3c
#  %9 = cddb-id
#  %a = actual day (is set when encoding starts, or batchfile created)
#  %b = actual month
#  %c = actual year (2 digits)
#  %d = actual year (4 digits)
#  %e = weekday (3 letters)
#  %f = month (3 letters)
#  %g = actual hour
#  %h = actual minute
#  %i = minute-part of track-length
#  %j = second-part of track-length
mp3_comment = "gen by WSPse-MP3c %8 [%b/%c]"

# fancy color for windows (0: never, 1: sometimes, 2: ever)
fancy_color = 1

# autosave configuration on exit (0: no, 1: yes)
auto_save = 1

# default flag (0: default non-fly, 1: default on-fly)
def_on_fly = 1

# rip-encode order (0: rip one track, then encode; 1: rip all tracks,
#                   then encode)
rip_enc_ord = 1

# open tray after encoding (0: no, 1:yes)
open_tray = 1

# tmpfile (for non-on-the-fly convert)
tmp_file = "/tmp/WSPse-MP3Creat.wav"

# what to do with tempfiles on exits
# 0: nothing, 1: delete marked, 2: delete all
del_tmp_on_exit = 1

# default exportfile for ripped tracks
def_exp_file = "./.mp3c-exported"

# if deleteflag should cleared on export (0: no, 1: yes)
clear_del_on_exp = 1

# framemultiplikator (to calculate size)
frame_mult = 214

# pattern for m3u-playlist, use "0" to disable
#  %1 = artistname
#  %2 = title
#  %3 = albumname
#  %4 = genrestring
#  %5 = year
#  %6 = tracknumber
#  %7 = tracknumber (with leading zeros)
#  %8 = cddb-id
m3u_pattern = "%1-%3.m3u"

# pattern for m3u-playlist for sampler cds, use "0" to disable
#  same pattern like in m3u_pattern
m3u_patmix = "%3.m3u"

# directory for m3u-playlist, or "0" to use mp3-dir
m3u_dir = "0"

# how to build the filename for m3u-list
#  0 = full path
#  1 = relative to m3u-maindir
#  2 = relative to m3u-file
m3u_rel_name_type = 2

# existing CDDB genres, do not change manually
cddb_genre_list = 

# allow parallel running sessions of MP3c
para_sessions_allowed = 1

# use internal directory requester
use_dir_request = 1
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