
Firstly, thanks for your reply!

No, you have the right version of gettext but you didn't address the problem.

I feared as much...:(

Soooooo, the question then winds down to how to resolve this. Can
anyone tell me how I can fix this problem?

Well, you have a mix bag set of references to gettext. Ports you haven't rebuilt are still refering to the old library. The interface changed between .so.5 and .so.6 and you have to rebuild everything that uses libintl.

Hmmm, to be honest, I'm not certain how I can best fix this. It is my live server which is up 24/7, and of which I'd rather not break anything just to get logrotate going....

I considered trying to install it as a package using sysinstall, but that complains that the fbsd 5.2.1 distribution cannot be found on the FTP servers anymore.

Ideally, I'd like to (re)build the logrotate port such that it will work. I guess that does involve doing what you say: rebuilding everything that depends on the conflicting library. However, I do not know exactly how to do this.

Can anyone perhaps tell me how I can find out which ports depend on this library, and how I can correctly update the lot such that it will all work, and such that I can install the logrotate port correctly?

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