I know this is not strictly to do with FreeBSD, but maybe there is a
kernel option or something I'm overlooking :-)

I am getting a lot of these messages:

PHP Fatal error:  Unable to start session mm module in Unknown on line 0

I have scoured Google as much as I can, and have found mostly people
with the problem, and very few solutions. Most of it seems to be a
problem with Debian Linux, which of course doesn't apply to me.

I have investigated some of the solutions and none of them work. The
closest was deleting a semaphore file from /tmp, which seemed to work
briefly. And then it didn't.

Further investigation shows, since it doesn't happen every time PHP is
run, that the problem would seem to be with concurrency - two instances
of PHP can't run at the same time.

I gather this is because it is trying to create a semaphore that already
exists or somesuch. So what this comes down to is should it create
unique semaphores (perhaps using the PID) or should it share them more

I suppose I can strip out all the MM stuff, but it's in there in the
first place because I used a whole bunch of tips about making PHP as
optimized as possible. Obviously an inefficient, working PHP is better
than an optimized broken one, but I prefer to fix problems than to try
and work around them and pretend they are not there - they usually come
back to bite you further down the track.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Duncan Anker

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