
System: FreeBSD 4.9, Sendmail 8.12.9p2/8.12.8, Mailscanner from ports

I've run into following troubles:
If the system start it starts to much sendmail process (and there occurs error 
messages while the system starts). I stop both sendmail process by hand and 
start the script mta.sh by hand, the it works. I did set sendmail="NO" (NONE 
has the same results) in rc.conf like in the readme file described. But the 
system starts a "standard" sendmail process to. If I set in 
/etc/defaults/rc.conf sendmail="NONE" the no process will start but there are 
some system service who prompt an error messages while he starts. How can I 
deal with that problem?



Martin Schweizer

PC-Service M. Schweizer; Gewerbehaus Schwarz; CH-8608 Bubikon
Tel. +41 55 243 30 00; Fax: +41 55 243 33 22; http://www.pc-service.ch;
public key : http://www.pc-service.ch/pgp/public_key.asc; 
fingerprint: EC21 CA4D 5C78 BC2D 73B7  10F9 C1AE 1691 D30F D239;

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