Hi.  I was comparing the /usr/src/UPDATING file on RELENG_4_5,
4_6 and 4_7, and I noticed that there is a fix for a tar bug in
the 4.7 pX releases, but not in 4.6.2-pX and 4.5-pX.

4.5: (also 4.6.2 p3)

20021023:       p21     FreeBSD-SA-02:40.kadmind
        Correct kadmind buffer overflow.


20021023:       p1      FreeBSD-SA-02:40.kadmind
        Correct bug in the tar(1) contains_dot_dot function allowing
        files to be extracted outside the intended directory tree.
        Correct kadmind buffer overflow.

Do I need to update this manually for my < 4.7 systems?  I see there was
a bit of discussion on the security list at the time, but I can't see
much more about it.

I don't see why it can be worth fixing for 4.7 and not for anything
else, given how widely used the tar utility is.  I don't particularly
mind fixing it myself, but it seems odd that this is a critical fix in
one release and a feature in others.  Is anyone likely to be using this
as a feature in earlier releases?


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