ZFS in FreeBSD lacks at least one major feature from the Solaris version: hot spares. There is a PR open at http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=134491, but there hasn't been any motion/thoughts posted on it since its creation almost one year ago.

I'm aware that on Solaris, hot spare replacement is handled by a few Solaris-specific daemons, zfs-retire and zfs-diagnose, which both plug into the Solaris FMA (Fault Management Architecture). Have there been any thoughts on porting these over or getting something similar running within FreeBSD? With all of the recent SATA/SAS CAM hotplug work now committed, it would be nice to have automatic replacement of hot spares with a future hot-replacement of the failed drive.

On the other side, I'd be interested in hearing if anyone has had success in rolling their own scripted solution: i.e. something which polls 'zpool status' looking for failed drives and performing hot-spare replacements automatically.

Steve Polyack

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