amd on my NFS clients always mounts using TCP. I need to use UDP (long story). I've tried many different options and I can't get it to use UDP.

If I mount it "manually" (i.e. without amd) it works fine:
        mount_nfs -3 -U server1:/u1/foo /mnt
I can verify that it is using tcpdump.

The amd map lists:
/defaults type:=nfsl;rhost:=server1;opts:=rw:nfs_proto=udp;rfs:=${fs}
foo fs:=/u1/${key}
bar fs:=/u2/${key}
baz fs:=/u2/${key}

The NFS client is running FreeBSD 4.7, and the NFS server is running 4.8.

How do I get amd to use udp instead of tcp?

Thanks in advance!

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