hi all

i've been given the task of setting up ldap authentication against a windows 2000 
active directory from a webpage served up by our apache box.

the documentation that exists for this is sparse.  so far, i've: 
installed auth_ldap as an apache module
recompiled php4 for openldap support
recompiled apache for modssl support

i've been going through the examples listed on http://www.rudedog.org/auth_ldap/ 
(auth_ldap homepage) - but the examples listed on this page are mainly for iPlanet, no 
examples are given for windows active directory authentication, just some notes on the 

ideally, i'd like to have a webpage/pages protected by .htaccess that authenticates 
against my win2k pdc.  i've tried the following in my httpd.conf file

#<Directory "/usr/local/www/data-dist/ldap">
#Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
#AllowOverride None
#Order allow,deny
#Allow from all
#AuthLDAPEnabled on
#AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
#AuthName "Secure Access"
#AuthType Basic
#AuthLDAPBindDN CN=users,DC=my.domaincontroller.edu,DC=edu
#AuthLDAPBindPassword MyP4sswurd 
#AuthLDAPUrl ldap://my.domaincontroller.edu:389/DC=my.domaincontroller
#require valid-user

(these have been commented out, but it wasn't working when i tried it, i didn't even 
get an login prompt)

i'm kind of unsure if my syntax above is ok, whether or not i've compiled in the right 
modules/options, whether i should be putting the above directives directly into my 
httpd.conf file, or whether i should put these into an .htaccess file, etc.

anyone have any experience with auth_ldap/apache authentication to a win2k active 
directory? any pointers or recommendations would be welcome.  


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