While running the last phase of gnome_upgrade.sh, fetch always
seems to hang, but (apparently) only for the host download.kde.org.

Forcing passive mode for fetch (FETCH_CMD=/usr/bin/fetch -ARpr)
doesn't help. Repeating the 'make fetch' command manually multiple
times in the ports directory usually solves the problem; but
sometimes only the ftp client would work.

Sometimes, "fetch: transfer timed out" also appear, but usually,
only the first few KB get transferred.

This is a random error, which doesn't always happen, but for that
ftp server often enough to wedge the "Big Update" :(

I have an MTU of 1460, as recommended by the ISP, and using another
FreeBSD box, running pf, as a router; also with the correct MTU on
all interfaces, so this can't be the problem.

Why, oh why, is fetch b0rked? ;-)

That's on a 5.4-PRERELEASE system from March 9th.


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