El día Friday, December 28, 2012 a las 10:44:08AM +0100, Matthias Apitz 

> > I've used your port and installed Jitsi on my laptop; thanks; do you
> > know why the account window on my sreen (1024x600) looks so ugly:
> > http://www.unixarea.de/jitsi.jpg
> > 
> > it registers fine to my Yahoo account and I will try SIP later on.
> and I could not make jitsi using /dev/video0 of webcamd (which works
> fine in Skype and other apps); any idea?

I have had a look into the Java sources:



there is no support for FreeBSD (only for MAC OS, Linux and Windows); I
added it the same way as Linux would do, hoping that our V4L2 is
doing its job; but it turned out that the Java/C interface shared object in 
jitsi/src/native/linux/video4linux2 does not get built by the port and
so it says in the log file:

12:57:00.189 INFO:
impl.neomedia.device.JmfDeviceDetector.initializeVideo().307 No Video4Linux2 
detected: no jvideo4linux2 in java.library.path

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