I mounted an iso on the filesystem using mdconfig.  I then  mounted an
.img file (msdos) from within that mount on its own mount .

I cd'd to the mounted directory, ran ls twice and the system crashed.

No forensics in /var/log/messages either.

any ideas?  interesting at best.

mockbsd# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f bbc-2.1.iso -u 1
mockbsd# mount -t cd9660 /dev/md1 /img

mockbsd# mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /img/lnx.img -u 2
mockbsd# mount -t msdos /dev/md2 /mnt

mockbsd# ls
copy.txt        linux           prob.txt        syslinux.cfg
inspired.txt    main.txt        req.txt         what.txt
ldlinux.sys     memtest.gar     root.bin
mockbsd# ls


mockbsd# uname -a
FreeBSD mockbsd.gha.chartermi.net 5.0-RELEASE

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