I noticed that when named starts during boot up, I dont seem to be able to 'send' notifies to my slave machines:

notify to x.y.71.63#53: retries exceeded
notify to x.y.71.63#53: retries exceeded
notify to x.y.71.63#53: retries exceeded

However, if I pkill named and start it manually from the command line it sends notifies just fine.

Has anyone else noticed this??

If it was my config, I would expect it to act like this whether or not I start it manually or not. But this is not the case.

PS. How important is it to bother with this? - should I just turn off notify and let the refresh handle things?

-- J.D. Bronson Aurora Health Care // Information Services // Milwaukee, WI USA Office: 414.978.8282 // Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] // Pager: 414.314.8282

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