I just tracked down, that having the line:

add divert natd all from any to any via tun0

No longer works (used to work with ipfw) man page says this:

According to man, packets diverted to userland and reinserted lose their

The following rules work:

allow icmp from any to any
allow udp from any to 53 via tun0 
allow udp from 53 to any via tun0 

But stateful rules like below don't:

add allow tcp from any to any out xmit tun0 setup 
add allow tcp from any to any via tun0 established
add allow udp from any to 123 keep-state

So, does this mean that a tcp packet goes out sets up a dynamic rule
before going out via natd. But coming in.. it is diverted via natd,
loses some info about state, and doesn't get passed through any rules?

For the tcp dynamic rules, 
10 packets get diverted by natd rule
5 packets match the tcp rule via tun0 setup
0 packets are denied by the last deny all rule.

What happened to the packets that are supposed to be coming in via the
setup rule?

What's the proper way to do natd with ipfw2?

So far, it's the only problem with my recent testing of current :(. As a
relative newbie, updating from src was painless. 

So it looks like it will be a pretty smooth upgrade for FreeBSD 5.0.
It's amazing how well the FreeBSD team does things.

Any help much appreciated as always.

Khairil Yusof <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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