Hmm...hadn't really thought about the config you're suggesting of just mounting user's homes as needed. Quite the thought. :)

I've always just mounted /home as a whole. Now you're going to have my mind running.

I'm going to hijack this thread just a bit. Is anyone here other htan me having to deal with multiplatform issues with home directories?

Example: I use Firefox on all of my machines as the default web browser. When mounting /home, one would think this would be a snap. It's not though.

I believe Linux and FreeBSD place Firefox's prefs in ~/.mozilla/firefox. When it mounts on MacOS X, OS X goes looking for them in ~/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox. I tried to get smart about it and simply create a simlink, but it seems like the very structure of that directory gets messed up. I've tried doing something similar for Thunderbird as well, but I wanted to go one step at a time.

If I get this working, then we'll work on my remotely mounted home on windows and my stored prefs. ;)

The idea is to eventually have a relatively platform-inspecific home directory. Been working on it for ages. Anyway, just a thought.


On Mon, 23 May 2005, Lowell Gilbert wrote:

Ryan Winograd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

If I set up a network in which the /home directory is shared to all
client computers, is it better to have the clients mount the nfs share
in fstab or to let automount handle the mounting? What are the pros
and cons of each?

An automounter can let you mount each individual user's home directory
only as needed (and dismount it when it's not being used.).  If you're
going to mount the whole tree, with the home directories for *all* of
the users, then you might as well do it once at the start and be done
with it.
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