I'm seeing these sorts of messages in syslog output

Mar 12 15:06:10 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Currently unreadable 
(pending) sectors
Mar 12 15:06:10 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Offline uncorrectable 
Mar 12 15:29:39 app3 kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR> 
error=40<UNCORRECTABLE> LBA=151607951
Mar 12 15:29:39 app3 kernel: g_vfs_done():ad4s1f[READ(offset=72458502144, 
length=16384)]error = 5
Mar 12 15:30:25 app3 kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR> 
error=40<UNCORRECTABLE> LBA=151607951
Mar 12 15:30:25 app3 kernel: g_vfs_done():ad4s1f[READ(offset=72458502144, 
length=16384)]error = 5
Mar 12 15:35:43 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Currently unreadable 
(pending) sectors
Mar 12 15:35:43 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Offline uncorrectable 
Mar 12 15:55:03 app3 kernel: ad4: FAILURE - READ_DMA status=51<READY,DSC,ERROR> 
error=40<UNCORRECTABLE> LBA=151607951
Mar 12 15:55:03 app3 kernel: g_vfs_done():ad4s1f[READ(offset=72458502144, 
length=114688)]error = 5
Mar 12 16:05:28 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Currently unreadable 
(pending) sectors
Mar 12 16:05:28 app3 smartd[519]: Device: /dev/ad4, 6 Offline uncorrectable 

by searching through the filesystem I located a file which appears to contain the error. However, I am unable to write to this file (the recommended cure for bad blocks) I used

# dd if=/dev/zero bs=12544487 count=1 of=wow-22048.dmp.gz conv=notrunc
dd: wow-22048.dmp.gz: Input/output error
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes transferred in 1.894545 secs (0 bytes/sec)

so am I forced to abandon this hard disk or is their some easy way to actually force a write that will make the disk bad block the wrong sectors.

I looked in vain for my old bad blocking tools and indeed it seems lost+found is no longer here. This disk is supposedly only 433 hours old acording to the smartctl output (assuming I do need to regard the Hitachi numbers as being minutes).

Any help would be appreciated.
Robin Becker
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